What has happened to women in our society? When did we start believing the marketing that the only thing to worry about is looks and then compete with every other woman and the best way to do this is to be derogative of others, as we know women are women’s harshest critics.
I read a statement by Naomi Wolf who was pointing out that men tend to be fans and not critics of women’s bodies – “Let me ask you something, in all the years that you have undressed in front of a gentleman, has he ever asked you to leave? Has he ever walked out and left? No? It’s because he doesn’t care! He’s in a room with a naked girl, he just won the lottery.” To me, that pretty well sums it up.
Appreciation and self-love are the most important tools that you could ever nurture. Appreciation of not only others, but of yourself is a lesson that everyone needs to learn.
Some comments that I see by women just make my blood boil, seriously, it does! There was an article by the Australian Women’s Weekly about Angelina Jolie and a speech that she had given, it was a bloody good speech, and you know what the comments were? Geez, she’s looking old for 40. FFS – seriously? Is a woman solely judged by her appearance? Apparently so, but it’s other women and yes, depending on the circumstances, men as well, but in this instance I’m talking about women beating up on other women. Stop it! Accept each and every one of us for our imperfections.
How hard it is to give a stranger a compliment?
People usually do this because they are insecure themselves and it makes them feel a bit better if they can see that someone is uglier than them, or not as successful as them. But it just has to stop!
Appreciate you for you, don’t compare yourself with anyone else. Oh and please don’t start me on all the ‘super mum’ bullshit that magazines tote out as well.
Do the best job that you can with what you have but know that you are unique, you are special there is not one single person in the world that is just like you, so why bother comparing? As they say, you’d be comparing apples with oranges.
You have your imperfections, but then, so does everyone else, so don’t worry about theirs look at the positive within you and bask in that.
Please, just stop with the running down of other women. Stop commenting on their looks, it’s what is inside that counts, stop buying stupid bloody anti-ageing cream that does bugger all except empty your bank account. Eat healthy, be healthy and most importantly think healthy. Be kind everyone, but most importantly be kind to yourself.