Why do most of us try so hard to fit in with whatever it is we think is “normal?” I love it when I see people dressed creatively, which is the best way I can put it, because they have the confidence to go out there and be happy with what they are.
It’s incredibly sad that they are so few and far between. We all have such talents within us but are usually scared to step out and give something a go, either from fear of failure or because we worry about what people will think.
I was told something a long time ago and it goes something like this …..
When you are young, you don’t care what people think about you, In your teenage years you worry about what people are thinking about you, when you get to middle age you wonder what people thought about you, and when you’re in your twilight years, you realise that no-one was thinking about you at all.
I have to admit I struggled with my hair going white at a young age, I was 12 when my hair started to go white. It didn’t help that my mother didn’t like white hair and was forever pulling the grey strands out! I use to dye my hair and then for a while there, I stopped and let it go natural but was self-conscious about it, it didn’t help when ignorant people would walk up to me and ask “did you know you are going grey?” Um, no, I didn’t as I don’t own a mirror. I mean really??? But if I turned around to them and said “did you know you have a big nose” I would have been thought of as being rude!
Finally about 8 years ago, I’d had enough of dying my hair, not just from the cost as it had to be done every couple of weeks because of the white skunk stripe down my head, but what were the chemicals doing to me? So I went to the hairdresser and told her to cut off all my hair, now my hair was down to my elbows and I had it cut off to about an inch all over. Hubby was horrified but from that day on I have embraced my white hair. I LOVE it! I stand out in a crowd if you’re looking for me, “I’m the tall one with the short white hair” and I even have little old ladies coming up to me asking what colour I use!! Bless them.
There is actually a verse in Proverbs in the Bible that says “Grey hair is a crown of splendour, it is attained by a righteous life” not sure about the last bit, but I do love the first bit! I’m 43 and have white hair and have had for years. I can now wear colours that I never could when my hair was dyed and the best thing for me was years ago when we were in Paris we were in a jewellery store and had to show our passports (mine was with dark hair) and the ladies were looking at me (standing there with white hair) and then down to the passport and they talked amongst themselves, I asked what they were saying and one lady could speak a bit of English and said, “we all agree that you look so much better now”. Well, if the Parisienne ladies think I look better white, they should know!!!
So my friends, whatever it is that makes you ”different” from the crowd embrace it, enhance it, make it yours and yours alone and walk down the street with your head held high knowing that you are wonderful.