Don’t be a dick to a Medium.

I was sent the link to this article, I’ve made a few changes but essentially I felt it summed it all up really well, I hope you enjoy.

A Medium is someone who talks to dead people. Not only is it challenging it’s controversial for a lot of people to accept or even understand. Mediums do things that can make some people uncomfortable and we also have the audacity of basing our beliefs on our experiences instead of religious doctrines or hard evidence, which goes against everything religion and science stand for.
You see, the thing is, mediumship has a lot more to do with energy and dare we say quantum physics than with God, or at least, the religious, paternalistic, judgmental, controlling God that has been forced down our throats for centuries. I believe that we all have the freedom to think, choose and believe, and no God or supreme being is going to wait for you when you die and judge you for having the gall to choose your own beliefs. Whatever you choose to believe will be part of your experience when you die and reincarnate. Before I go any further, I acknowledge and understand that not everyone, and certainly not every medium, agrees with this, and that’s more than ok.

There are a lot of misconceptions about psychics and mediums. Mediums and psychics are intuitive, sensitive people who use their senses to feel and connect with a very high frequency and subtle energy that is there for anyone to tap into. The perception is that we deal with the “unknown,” and have the upper hand to make up any shit we want. That’s why some people also have very specific expectations from mediums, or limited beliefs and assumptions about how mediums work, like the belief that all mediums see ghosts and should therefore be able to describe their loved ones to a tee. While some mediums do see spirits, it’s not necessarily the case for all of us. Generally speaking, mediums receive a variety of impressions through their intuitive senses. Intuitive people are sensitive – they have to be in order to be intuitive! – so carrying the belief that all mediums are crooks, liars or crazy people with a wide imagination is quite an unfortunate perception to have.

The truth is: this is energy work, and subtle energy can be sensed in a myriad of ways, and it’s not always going to happen how you want it to happen. You cannot expect logical, mathematical, concrete explanations or proofs from something so intuitive and wide open as mediumship. This is right brain, faith based energy work, and trying to control or understand these experiences logically will more than certainly lead to frustration.

Once that energy is felt and sensed, it goes through our human filters as in our minds and everyone has a unique way of receiving and understanding energy and of being intuitive. That’s why we believe the best possible thing a medium can do is expand their minds and detach themselves from beliefs and anything else that can cloud up their filter. Spirits communicate with us using references we will understand, and very often will use the medium’s references, not yours, to deliver a message, and a lot of the times that message will be filled with symbolism instead of being a direct, specific message.

No two mediums share the same set of beliefs. The thing is, absolutely no one can say with utmost certainty who or what is God, that they grasp and understand how all this works, or what really happens when we pass! That’s why we encourage everyone to have an open mind when passing judgment on mediums, and to remember that mediums are regular – albeit extremely sensitive – human beings with their own sets of beliefs who are doing their best to be of service. If someone were to approach a medium with a “prove this shit to me” attitude, that energy would be felt by the medium, and that stress/pressure could affect your reading, which would most likely result in a negative experience, co-created by you.

Mediums can’t prove anything to anyone, and it’s not our responsibility to do so! If you want the best experience from a medium, allow your expectations, judgments and the left side of your brain to take a back seat, and be open to the experience – any experience! – that will come from it. Seeking a service that is faith based without having faith yourself will create an energetic imbalance. If you are expecting specific validations, doubting the medium’s intentions or are intent on not believing a word the medium is going to say until you hear what you want to hear, you will be creating a limiting experience for yourself, and projecting fearful energy to the medium, who in turn will have to do his/her damned best to not feel and absorb your fearful energy! Mediumship is an intuitive experience for both the medium and the sitter. Feel out the messages you are given, feel out the medium’s energy – what does it all feel like to you? Does it feel right?

Because mediums deal with subtle energy that is higher in frequency, it’s important for us to always keep our own energy high. But hey, we have shitty days too just like anyone, and that too can affect our readings or ability to receive clearly. Spirits also can have an effect on a reading, because their own personality, energy and ability or even interest to communicate can have an impact on a connection with a medium. If a spirit is shy, cryptic or hot/cold, or if a spirit still carries negative opinions about mediumship from their own life, or if it’s their first time communicating to a medium, it might be harder for the medium to decipher the messages that are coming through. Your personality traits stay with you when you pass, and you have free will as a spirit – just like you do here now– to evolve and expand your beliefs or not, and that will come through in a mediumship reading.

So often we will hear someone say they had bad experiences with mediums for this or that reason. If that’s your case, ask yourself what your intention was before you agreed to be read? Were you expecting specific answers or validations? Were you approaching the medium with doubt or skepticism? Did you have expectations about how mediums should communicate with spirits? Did the medium give you symbolic messages you didn’t understand? Were you in a crappy mood or projecting lower, more negative energy? All these things do come into play, because you are also an important part of the reading. It’s all energy, and you, just like everyone else on this planet, project energy that can be felt by others. A lot of mediums also live with the underlying fear of having their name dragged in the mud and being called a fraud because their sitter’s experience did not live up to his/her expectations. So be kind, be openhearted, don’t feel entitled to having specific information being proven or given to you, and you will get the most out of your experience.

And use your own intuition to choose your medium! If you don’t resonate or click with someone, find a medium you feel comfortable with!

Your intuition and feelings are just as valid as ours.