The majority of us have dreams and excuses there are things that we would like to do, but we don’t get around to doing them. We seem to make excuses up that will constantly put off living those dreams.
Why do we do this? Just as an example, a lady came for a reading and I said to her you and hubby want to do the caravan around Australia for a year don’t you? She said yes. I asked her why they didn’t do it and instantly the excuses that we all make came out. We can’t afford it. I can’t quit work etc. But when I sat there and broke down those excuses with reasons why they could go she looked at me and said, we could do it, couldn’t we? Yep. They could.
So, let’s look at some of those excuses that we all use, shall we?
I can’t quit work – I get it, you’re not going to throw away a steady job for a dream, after all, what will you come back to? Though before writing it off completely, how about you sit down with your boss and ask them if it would be possible to take a year’s leave of absence to follow your particular dream? They may just say yes.
We have a mortgage – check with a real estate agent what rent you could get – does it cover the mortgage? Because if it does, then you could leave.
I haven’t got time to go to university – go to the university and speak with someone there, you can study part-time and those courses will also be run in the evening, specifically for those people that work full-time.
I’m too old to change careers now – really? Depending on your age and most people in their late 30’s or 40’s say this particular statement to me, you do realise that you will be working for at least another 25 years, right? So, what is 3-4 years getting a degree where you’ll then be able to do the job you’ve always dreamed of for the next 25 years!
That’s just a few excuses and sadly most people use them without actually looking into whether or not their excuse is actually valid. Because a lot of times it’s not, it is just that, an excuse. I’m not sure why though, is it a fear of failure? A fear of what other people will think? Have we been so programmed to think that we must just do what others expect of us?
I can tell you now that no-one ever on their deathbed said ‘I wish I’d worked longer hours’ most people will regret not taking the time to follow their dream, whatever that dream is eg study, travel etc.
So, what are you going to do to make your dreams a reality?