How does one go about finding my Passion / purpose?
I think most of us get to a stage in life when we wonder why we are here. We ask ourselves what is my passion / purpose ? What am I really supposed to be doing? Most people usually want to be giving back in some way but they just don’t know how or where they should start.
I believe that the first thing that you should be is honest with yourself, really honest. Acknowledge the not so good bits about yourself as well as the good bits. If you don’t really like working with animals, then don’t go volunteering at an animal shelter! If you don’t like organizing, then don’t raise your hand to help organize a fundraiser. Look within yourself and list the things that you are good at, are you good with people? Animals? Do you love having a chat with anyone? And then there’s the not so good things that you also need to list down. Do you cringe at having to talk to strangers? Do you get stage fright? Do you hate working with people and would rather do things by yourself?
You see when you’ve worked out that list you will at least have an idea what NOT to do and that’s half the battle!
Secondly you need to think about the things that you love doing and list those down, again don’t think of anything as making money or if there would be a role for it, just list it down, do you love walking? Do you love reading? Do you love playing golf? Do you love socializing?
When you’ve done that, then it’s time to see what there is out there in the big wide world that you could do that incorporates some of those things that you love and suit the good parts of you.
It won’t always be about starting up your own business but could just be doing something as a hobby that you enjoy doing on weekends or some evenings and for others it will turn into a passion that they want to then take to the next level and create a business from it. And let’s be honest, not everyone is suited to being their own boss and that’s another thing that you need to be honest with yourself about! If you would prefer to work for someone else and get that regular income, then look at it as a hobby or just giving back.
For instance, if you love walking and love dogs you may decide to do a dog walking / sitting business, that doesn’t mean you just throw in your job and hope to god you can get some clients, it’s means you focus on starting up that business while still doing the other. Or if you want to do volunteer work, you may become an animal foster parent, or maybe do free pet walking for people with a disability that have a dog. It’s up to you how you want to look at it, but it is also up to you to actually go out and look for it.
The main thing to remember at all times, is what is right for someone else, isn’t necessarily right for you. Be honest with yourself, I can’t say that enough, be honest with yourself, and be true to who you are and your values.