How do I find my path
Last week I volunteered to do some ‘food serving’ for the launch of Facon Magazine, the reason behind that was Lara the stylist behind the magazine is the person who hired me to do runway modelling, so a bit of a thank you from me for that opportunity.
Anyway, while I was walking around with trays of food asking if anyone would like anything to eat, this lovely lass turns and says a big ‘Hi! How are you?!’ I replied ‘I’m great, thank you’. Then she looked at me and said, ‘sorry, I like you’re page and just realized that you have no idea who I am!’ We both had a laugh and I said to her, ‘one of the biggest compliments that I have received is when a lady came up to me and said that she felt that she knew me because of my page’ – how I come across. I think that’s lovely, I really do.
When my GG and I are out and about he has told me on quite a number of occasions that people stare at me trying to work out if I am who they think I am! LOL I’m not a celebrity, nor would I class myself as being famous, and to be honest, when I’m walking around town, I’m in my own little world and completely oblivious to what other people are doing. I’m quite happy for you to come up and say hello!
This isn’t about me being up myself, but what I’m wanting to say is that I’m happy with where I am and what I’m doing, in fact I love what I do. It hasn’t been an easy journey to get to this point, believe me. I have asked myself, plenty of times ‘what is my path’ when I feel like I’m not going anywhere. In all honesty, just like all of you, I’ve been to hell and back, my life isn’t this easy thing where I don’t have a care in the world, I do, I get upset and frustrated and pissed off just like everyone else! However, I have learnt to let things go, not straight away, I have to have my little stew about it but I don’t let other people’s comments or opinions haunt my every waking moment nor do I worry about what people think of me, I’m me and if someone doesn’t like me or what I do, that’s for them to deal with, not for me to change to fit into what they think is alright.
Being happy with where I am, doesn’t mean that I won’t continue to strive and grow, but what I have realized is that my happiness and contentment isn’t tied up with reaching any certain goals. They are just things to help me continue on my journey but they aren’t the be all and end all of my happiness.
So, I want you to be you and be proud and happy to be you. All those scars that you carry outside and inside of you are just a reflection of all that you’ve been through, they aren’t the essence of who you are. Don’t let others opinions intimidate you or make you feel like you are worthless, because you’re not. Continue to grow and learn and be the best that you can be and don’t beat yourself up over some stupid ideal that someone else may have for you. It’s your journey, no-one else’s. Be proud of all of you.