Did you know that it’s OK for people to disagree with you? And hey, believe me this is coming from someone who does like to be right!
However, I have learnt with my grand old age that people have every right to disagree with you. In fact, if you always think that you’re right and aren’t willing to listen to someone else’s point of view, you may actually be missing out on learning something and even (heaven forbid) change your mind!
Now, I’m not talking about things that are illegal and detrimental to others (domestic abuse, child abuse etc.) what I’m talking about is your point of view on something. Let’s say your country wants to change its flag and you’re totally against it, just because you don’t think it should happen doesn’t actually mean that everyone else has to think the same way, and just because you don’t think it should happen, doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t.
I like having discussion, however I don’t like it when they turn ad hominem – by all means discuss the issues but when someone starts attacking a person directly as in ‘you’re stupid’ or ‘you’re ignorant’ or my favourite ‘you’re fat and stupid’ all you are doing is proving that you don’t have an argument yourself.
Just for the record I do get personal with Bible Bashers because they aren’t having a discussion with me, they are preaching to me and have done so without an invitation on my part, as far as I’m concerned they’re just completely closed minded morons.
I digress….
What I am trying to say is that when you’re talking to someone and they disagree with what you have said, instead of arguing with them, ask them why they have that opinion and really listen to what they have to say, you may just learn something new.
Remember, it’s OK for people to disagree with you, that’s what makes the world go around.