Are you doing what is making your heart sing?

Let me share a story with you.  I confess that I used to own 45 pairs of shoes.

They were just so!

You’re probably wondering why I’m making this confession, so please let me put your mind at ease with an explanation.

Over the years, I’ve met a lot of people who are unhappy with what they are currently doing for employment.

They’re not doing what makes their heart sing.

Far too many of them want to be doing something “more” or “spiritual” or helping their fellow man.

Or more importantly, what they love doing, as in what makes their heart sing.

How do they actually go abut it?  I mean how do you work out what makes your heart sing, and then to actually have the courage to go and do it?

When speaking with them it’s pretty much the same stuff that comes up.

This applies to nearly everyone, you see, they can’t afford to do something else.

They can’t afford to not be working full-time, so they are unable to go and study.

They can’t afford to take a lower paying job even if it’s the job that they have always wanted to do, because they need to earn the income they’re currently on.

So, they continue doing what they hate doing instead of working towards doing what makes their heart sing.

This dilemma got me thinking about WHY we can’t afford to study or work in a lower paying job.

What is it that costs so much and that we need so desperately we are giving up our happiness for it?

Let me rewind the story back a year or so.

I was working as a PA (personal assistant) but I wasn’t enjoying my job.

I knew that what I should be doing was working as a Clairvoyant Medium, but like you, I was in the mindset that I needed to continue earning my high wage.

Now this is where the story has its twist.

I won’t go into the details, because honestly, they no longer matter, but I will say this, I was put in a situation at work, where I felt I had no option but to resign, so I did.

I was now officially unemployed.

No income from me, just hubbies.

Funny how not earning money makes you really sit back and look at what you did with what you had, while you had it!

I sat down one day and thought about all the things that we had that we no longer needed, for instance Foxtel.  I opened up my wardrobe and looked at all my clothes and shoes.

Then and there,  I decided to get rid of anything I had that I didn’t feel confidant or “good” in.

Another confession, I got rid of a big garbage bag of clothes and shoes I hadn’t made a dent in my wardrobe!  So, off that bag went to the second-hand clothing store.

Why on earth did I need 45 pairs of shoes and a wardrobe absolutely packed full of clothes?

I wash once or twice a week, and seem to wear the same things over and over again.  But for some reason I need enough clothes to not have to wash for a month.

After coming to this realisation I decided then and there that I was NOT going to buy anything else unless it was really needed or replacing something.

You know what?  I didn’t buy anything at all for 6 months! Zilch, Nil, Nahda, Nothing.

I sound a bit like a martyr don’t I?  What a hardship I’ve had to endure! The same went for things around the house, if we didn’t need it, we didn’t buy it.

Our forefathers used to only buy something to replace a broken item. They would try and fix it first.

We just throw things away and go out and buy something new.

Okay I’ll get off my soapbox and get back to the point of this story which is about making your heart sing.

We all seem to hell bent on “keeping up with the Jones” that we think we need more to live on than what we really do.

I also think at times that we’ve mixed up the wants with the needs, take a look at your own life, do you really need Foxtel?

Do you really need to go out for dinner a couple of times a week?

What about 45 pairs of shoes?  If each pair cost me $50 I’ve spent $2,250 on shoes!!

When you put it like that, it’s ridiculous! I could have put that money onto my mortgage.

Speaking of which, do you really need to live in that 4 bedroom home with a swimming pool?  How about buying something smaller and reducing your mortgage?

Sit down and make a list of all the things you have that you don’t really need. Then stop either buying or subscribing to them.

Allow yourself a treat, you have to have those.  The point is, you will hopefully, be able to do what it is that makes your heart sing.

Because isn’t that what we all want?  To do what makes our heart sing?

Wouldn’t you rather do without all of those shoes so that you can wake up every morning and enjoy what you do for a living?

I know that I love working full-time as a Clairvoyant Medium.

My wish is for you to do the same.

I want you to be able to do what makes your heart sing.