Money isn’t the root of all evil, it’s also not the root of happiness either.
I do find it interesting doing what I do when people say that I shouldn’t charge for readings because it is a gift, my reply to that is ‘do you buy books, art, music?’ The ability to write a good novel, create art in whatever form or to sing / play / write music is all a gift but why is it OK for those artists to charge? Each and every one of you have a gift, for some it may be that you’re a great cleaner, you take pride in your work and you do it really, really well, so does that mean you should just go and clean places for free? Or what about that person that numbers and math come so easily, so they do everyone’s tax returns for nothing because they are gifted?
Focusing on wanting to ‘be rich’ isn’t healthy, by all means I think we would all enjoy financial security but it’s knowing that having financial security isn’t what will make you happy – it will relieve a lot of stress out of your life, but it will also usually bring other stresses into it.
Just remember that money isn’t a bad thing, it’s not, what it is, is an exchange of energy, when it becomes an obsession that it is a problem. When you’re entire life is focused on money and how much you can make, and when those decisions are detrimental to others, because you’re wanting money is getting it at all costs, then you have a problem.
For me, I have been told numerous times that I should be charging more, I could charge more and work less hours, but I don’t want to be one of those people that charge $200 for a reading, I just don’t, I want every person, regardless of what walk of life they are from to be able to afford to have a reading if they need it. It is gift and I am very privileged to do what I do and hopefully, to give people clarity, understanding and peace but I also realise that my time is precious and I have bills to pay just like everyone else – it’s about getting the balance right in my life and you doing what is right for you, in your life.