Here in Australia this coming Sunday it’s Mother’s Day. I always have mixed thoughts about Mother’s Day, I’ve just never gotten into the hype that surrounds it, you know, if you love your mum buy her an iron….??? While, I know it’s nice to be appreciated by your children, I really do hate the commercialism that surrounds it. My son tells me he loves me every time we chat on the phone or see each other and that’s good enough for me.

You see, I believe that motherhood is not a right, it’s a privilege, not every woman is able to be a mother and I count myself very blessed to have my son as I had a lot of problems falling pregnant and he is my one and only and if you’ve been blessed to be able to be a mum never be critical of those that aren’t, you don’t know their story. I also believe that women who choose not to have children are wonderful for not conforming to society just to fit in, you ladies rock.

Being a mother is the toughest job in the world. I mean once you have a baby you are then responsible for that little person’s welfare for the rest of your life. Forever. It’s up to you to teach them right from wrong, to encourage them to be the best that they can be, while also allowing them to make mistakes no matter how hard it is to watch, for that is how they learn. Bringing them up to be self-sufficient, letting them fly the coup when all you want to do is keep them safe.

But this is not just a day of happiness and celebration because not everyone enjoys Mother’s Day,
For so many it brings heartache, not happiness, there are those that had a child that they carried and held in their arms who never took a breath, or a miscarriage or a car accident. It’s just not right because a parent is never meant to bury a child but so many have had to do this, Mother’s Day for them is will be filled with sadness for the time that they have never had with their child.

This is also a day of sadness and sometimes anger for those that have mothers but have no relationship with them because unfortunately, not all women should be mothers. Mother’s Day for them is a day of mourning for a relationship that they never got to experience so please, don’t use the phrase ‘but it’s your mother’ don’t make people feel guilty for not spending time with their mother, you don’t know their story and it’s not an easy choice to have nothing to do with your mum.

And let’s not forget about all the dad’s out there that have to be both mum and dad to their children doing the best that they can to shoulder the mantle of both roles that’s not an easy thing to do. Nor is being a single mum with no support or all those grandparents that are raising their grandchildren.

So for those of you that have a good mum, tell her that EVERY day, tell her you love her that you appreciate her, visit her whenever you can, not just special occasions, make the day you turn up a special occasion and enjoy the time you have with her because she’s not going to be around forever.

And for those of you that don’t have a good mum, then go and find one. A mother doesn’t have to give birth to you she is someone that nurtures and loves you regardless of where you came from and she can fill that void that you are feeling. And lastly, for those that no longer have their mum or have lost a child that was theirs do something special that eases your heartache for they are still with you, you just can’t see them.
So to all the mums, dads and grandparents I hope that you are able to celebrate this day in the way that brings you happiness and peace where you are able to spend it with your loved ones if you can and raise a glass to those that are no longer with us.