How often do you declutter your life?

I’m not just talking about emotionally and spiritually, which hopefully over the past few weeks you’ve started to do.

But decluttering all that stuff that we as humans tend to accumulate over time.

I’m not quite sure what it is about us that we hold onto so many things, birthday cards, clothing, letters, items of furniture, knick knacks.

However, if you want to find your soul purpose, you need to learn to declutter your life.

There’s a declutter technique that’s called the ‘death clean’.  I actually really like the idea of it.

If you want to have a total and true declutter then this is the way to do it.

Firstly, don’t rush through it, take your time, you need to be honest with yourself with all of your possessions.

Going through your entire home, pick up each object and ask yourself a few questions.

Will anyone want this when you die? if they do, then give it to them.  If they don’t then give it away or sell it because that’s what’s going to happen when you die.

Do I love it? Do you?  Or are you holding onto it just for the sake of it, or maybe in fear of offending someone if you get rid of it.

Does it bring you happiness?  Does it bring you good memories, or bad ones?

Does it serve a purpose? And by purpose it could be that it brings you happiness just by looking at it.  That’s it’s purpose.

Time, to declutter your life, that includes friends and family – and that’s the hardest one of all to declutter.

So, work on your possessions first, be honest, oh and you don’t have to keep those horrible photo’s of yourself as a kid that you hate.

Enjoy the cleansing feeling you’ll get when you’re finally finished!