How many of you are critical without even realizing it?

You may find that you’re more critical than you think.

While some of you may use very nice, positive words towards others.

What are your thoughts doing?

Are you one of those that has a lot of negative critical things going on in their minds?

As an example ….

You see someone walking down the street wearing an outfit that you think is inappropriate.

Whether that’s for their age or situation, it doesn’t matter.

What do you think when you see them?

“Don’t they own a mirror?”

“What the hell are they thinking, wearing that?”

“That’s definitely mutton dressed as lamb”

“I wouldn’t be seen dead in an outfit like that”

Those negative critical thoughts do nothing more than make you feel negative about life

If you want to start changing your life into a more positive one.

Start with your thoughts.

When you acknowledge the critical thought you have about any situation, change it to a positive one.

Using the scenario above, try some of these instead.

“Aren’t they great that they confidently express themselves”

“While I wouldn’t wear it, I think they look great!”

When you stop with the negative critical thoughts, it also helps with your self-esteem.

You start focusing on the positive in yourself and your life, instead of the negative

You stop comparing yourself to others, which allows an amazing sense of freedom.

You’ll find yourself being happier with who you are and what you have, and who doesn’t want that?!

Start changing those negative critical thoughts today and watch your life change.