Doing what? I hear you ask…

Whatever it is that you’ve been putting off, that’s what!

Have you become one of those that keeps reading stuff?  For example, you’ve lost a loved one and need to grieve, so you’re reading everything there is about grieving and how to go through the process. What about being hurt because of a relationship ending? Are you reading stacks of ‘self-help’ books to help you deal with the pain and move on? Or maybe you want to start your own business so you’re reading everything you can about having your own business and how to market it?

At some point you need to stop reading, researching, self-helping and actually start implementing. And you know what?  You’ll never feel like you’re ready, you will always feel like your need to know or learn just a little bit more, but let me tell you this. You learn as you go!  Actually DOING is the main part of any process, whether that is healing, grieving or maybe starting up your own business.

So, put aside those books, manuals or whatever it is because it’s time to start doing and stop reading.  It’s time to start doing and face whatever it is that you’re scared of facing – life alone, that new business or becoming the person that you were meant to be.

You know all you need to know to be able to start doing, you’re just afraid of starting so you keep using the excuse that you still need to learn/know more.

You don’t.  You can actually start doing right now, today, not tomorrow or next week, but today.

What are you going to start doing today?