What is lucky? There is one sentence, among a few that I hate hearing and that is ‘they’re lucky’ or ‘you’re lucky’.
You know why? Because ‘luck’ has nothing to do with it.
Someone said that to me when I bought my brand new car, they said ‘you’re lucky to have a new car’. My reply? I’ve been saving for five years to get this car and I still have a loan on it and also sold my current car to get it. I work hard and have done all my life so how is that ‘lucky’?
People could say well at least you have a job to be able to afford one, sure but I have also worked bloody hard at crappy jobs to earn my way, for example, when I was a single mum I went and cleaned houses and did ironing to be able to keep a roof over mine and Alex’s heads!
And while I haven’t gone to University I have done other study to help me along and it has, I haven’t sat back on my bum thinking life is ‘unfair’ or that other people are more ‘lucky’ than me.
We make our own ‘luck’. And there is always a flip side to that ‘luck’ as well. Say someone inherits money, well they had to go through the loss of someone to get it, didn’t’ they?
So, what is luck? It’s nothing more than hard work in most instances. Read any biography of someone who has made it from nothing and sure, they were in the right place at the right time, but they took a chance, they believed in themselves and it paid off. Does it always pay off? Of course not! But the thing is they took that chance.
When you look at someone and think ‘you’re lucky’ think twice, instead of wishing you had as much luck as they did, it could be a matter of looking at your world in a different way, because there are plenty of people in this world that would think that you’re lucky.
Don’t look at them and think ‘it’s not fair’ because life in all honesty is rarely fair, instead look at them and get inspiration from them, ask them how they did it, learn and then take that knowledge to go and create some ‘luck’ for yourself.
Don’t like your job? Go and study to get better qualifications so that you can change or actually start applying for other roles. No work where you live? Maybe you need to move to a place of higher employment to get work. Get out of your comfort zone and create your own ‘luck’. Want to start your own business? Then learn how to do it before you start so you have a greater chance of success. Feel like you never have enough money? Maybe you need to speak to someone to help you budget.
How ‘lucky’ you’re life is just depends on how much effort you want to put into it.