What is re-incarnation? Is there even such a thing as re-incarnation? Some people believe in it and others don’t. Growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist I was taught not to believe in it.

I’ve since changed my mind.

Being a clairvoyant I have constantly deal with death but also grieving parents and it’s not always an easy thing to do, hence why I do limited readings per week. However, when those that have passed come through and give me messages to pass on about hope and re-connecting in another life or that their soul may even come back in this life, I really have had to do a double-take and reassess what I was brought up to believe.

There is a great book that I have read called Many Lives, Many Masters – which proves re-incarnation have a read of it if you’re interested.

Back to the first question, what is re-incarnation? I believe that we are souls in a human body, not a human body with a soul, and when we die our bodies are left behind and our souls go wherever it is that they go, let’s just call it heaven for want of a better description, when we get to heaven we can sit down and see the past (as in all the past lives) the present life that we have just been in and then we can say “oh damn, I didn’t learn that lesson that means I have to come back and do it all again” and we do, but most of us don’t remember those contracts that we sign before coming back to earth in another life, the contract where we agree to go through certain trials and tribulations and don’t forget all the good stuff either. Now our souls have to go through everything that is humanly possible and you just can’t do that in one lifetime, though sometimes it feels like it! You will be a murderer, murdered, mother, father, childless, orphan and the list goes on.

Why do we need to do this? I believe that when we have gone through all that there is to go through and learnt all the lessons that we need to learn, we are then an enlightened soul, we’ve moved up a notch in the spirit world, you then become an ascended master rather than just an everyday spook. But in between those lives you come back and help the humans here on earth with what they have to go through, you know a bit of give and take makes the world go around.

One thing I don’t do is get caught up like some people do in all the different levels that are supposedly what we have to go through in the spirit world, I like to keep my beliefs simple, straight to the point, I’ve been told I’m very pragmatic and I suppose I am, I shoot straight from the hip, what I am is what I am.
I hope this helps you try and understand about reincarnation and why we keep coming back or why you have deja-vu at times, that’s when you have flashbacks of memory, like when you go somewhere for the first time but it feels like you’ve been there before or you just feel like it is home, well, that’s because you probably lived there in a previous life.

So, enjoy this life and try and learn all the lessons that are thrown at you, so when you come back again it might be a bit easier!