What does “Worthiness” mean? Well, according to an on-line dictionary it means this:- having adequate or great merit, character, or value: a worthy successor / of commendable excellence or merit;
To my way of thinking though, your own self-worth or your self-esteem, which according to the dictionary is this:- confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect.
Feeling confident in your own worth to me, is far more important than what others think of you. Yet, we are our own worst enemies when it comes to having confidence in ourselves. Of course, it can be taken too far and people think that they are greater than anyone else, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about feeling worthy.
Feeling worthy of love, respect, friendship, courtesy, those are very important things and we all should feel as though we are worthy of them.
I see so many people come through the door who are in destructive relationships, however they don’t believe that they are worth anything more. They don’t feel worthy of the respect and love that they deserve, and because they don’t feel worthy, they are terrified of being alone so they jump into any relationship that comes along.
Remember that you are worthy, the key of course, and this is the tough one, is that only you can make yourself feel worthy. You have to believe in yourself. You have to love yourself into a state where you allow and know that you deserve these things.
If someone isn’t treating you the way that you believe you deserve to be treated, why are you allowing it? If you’ve spoken to them about it and they continue treating you badly then it is not up to you to make them see you’re worth, it is up to you to walk away because you know that you are worth more. To remove yourself from that toxic relationship / friendship and make room for those that will treat you the way that you know you deserve.
It’s all up to you.