12 Signs Your Experiencing Empathic Overwhelm
Do you suffer from Empathic Overwhelm?

I’m going to share with you twelve symptoms that you may experience if you’re suffering from empathic overwhelm.
Empaths are naturally born with a sense of caring, in fact probably more than the average person.
Understanding the signs of empathic overwhelm is important for an empath to be able to continue to function.
As an empath you will take on other people’s burdens.
If you don’t learn to create boundaries and also to cleanse yourself regularly from all of the onslaught of others well then …..
You’ll suffer from Empathic Overwhelm such as:-
- Having trouble falling asleep because your thoughts or emotions just won’t shut off and go around and around.
- Your mind is continually switched on but your body is exhausted
- Finding that you’re emotionally triggered and /or over sensitive without understanding why
- Struggling to maintain your daily routines
- Seeming to have trouble meeting deadlines or staying on time with tasks
- You’ve begun to procrastinate, such as putting things off until later.
- Being alone is something that you crave more than usual
- You’re completely over listening to other people’s problems or deal with them.
- Your mind is ‘fuzzy’, you can’t concentrate or you have trouble thinking clearly.
- You find that you just feel stuck in one aspect of your life, however that is starting to spread across everything making you doubt your self-worth
- A solution to your problem just can’t seem to be found and you’re just going around in circles.
- Feeling that your life is constantly full of bad luck or people are against you.
If you are experiencing a couple of these at the same time, then you are quite likely suffering from Empathic Overwhelm.
How to get yourself back on track from empathic overwhelm.
Get out into nature, don’t walk along staring at your phone. Breath in the air, listen to the birds, become present.
Even if that means just standing still, closing your eyes and listening.
Journal to get all that stuff out of your head and down on paper so you don’t have it swirling around in there.
And of course, set firm boundaries and don’t allow others to cross them.
I hope that if this resonates with you, it gives you some answers as to why you’re feeling the way that you do and also some ways to get yourself into a calmer and happier place.
Love & light
Katrina x
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