4 Ways to Release Trapped Emotions
Did you know that our emotions can get trapped in our bodies?
I’m going to share with you four ways to release emotions trapped in the body.
When emotions are trapped in our body and we don’t have a release for them, we start to emotionally and physically break down.
Think about anxiety and depression which are two of the big ones in people’s lives.
But there are other things as well, if you’re really stressed all the time that can lead to ulcers and gastric problems.
How many times have you heard that someone who was stressed had a heart attack?
It’s not healthy to hold our emotions inside, however far too many people just don’t know how to deal with that build-up and how to release those emotions.
These aren’t the ONLY four ways in which to release emotions, it’s just to give you an idea, of what you can try.
We’re all different in what works for us. What works for me, may not work for you, and that’s OK, the key here is to find out what DOES work for you.
- Keep a journal. When you write in your journal, you need to spill it all out, not filter it in case someone reads it and thinks you’re nuts. You need to let all your emotions out and it’s a good idea to do it first thing in the morning and also just before you go to bed. You’re cleaning out your emotions to face the day and also, to help you get a good night’s sleep.
- Speak the truth. How often does someone ask you how you are and you reply ‘alright’ when you’re not alright? When you constantly hold back from speaking your truth, then you are actually teaching your body to trap your emotions. It means you need to be brave with the truth, however, that doesn’t mean you start randomly yelling at people or trying to be hurtful, but being honest with how you’re feeling. Just acknowledging how you feel is the first part.
Do be prepared that some people that you’re honest with won’t know how to handle that. Be kind to them, this is more about you learning to be truthful and dealing with your own emotions that forcing others to deal with theirs.
- Breathwork. It may sound weird but this is a really powerful way to start moving that negative and stuck energy out of your body, allowing you to release painful and negative emotions. There’s a number of different techniques to do breathwork, here’s a one that may help you:-
When you feel overwhelmed: The 4-7-8 breath.
The Relaxing Breath also known as 4-7-8 breathing, helps to slow down and calm the body. It slows the heart rate, brings our consciousness to the present moment, and slows the nervous system, bringing a feeling of calm and peace. This breath is ideal when you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry, triggered, and have trouble sleeping. It has the added bonus of teaching the body to take in less (in a culture where we saturate the mind and body with external stimulation), how to create space between inhale and exhale, as well as how to release excess energy and thought from the body.
How to do it:
The traditional l way of doing 4-7-8 breathing is to empty the lungs of air, breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, exhale out of the mouth for 8 seconds, and repeat at least 4 times.
As you breathe in, imagine the grounded and nourishing energy of the earth, mountains, trees, plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs coming up into your body. As you hold your breath, visualize the breath spiralling up the center of your body (through the seven chakras) and pulling any energy or thought that does not serve you. Then as you exhale over 8 seconds, imagine that excess energy releasing out of the mouth, and visualize light pouring through the top of your head back down to your feet and the earth below you.
The best way to know which technique is right for you is to first identify what you are struggling with and what you are seeking. These are suggestions, but as with any healing modality, it is best to experiment with each form to see which one feels most aligned with where you are. Remember, your breath is your inherent healer and guide inside of you.
Make it a habit of doing this after or before your journaling, or even as you start to meditate.
- Move your body – find an exercise that you enjoy, if you do something you hate then it’s a counterproductive exercise! Walk, run, do yoga, go for a hike, for a bike ride, spin around a pole (that’s me!) join a bootcamp, get a boxing bag and punch the crap out of it. Whatever it is that you do, make sure the intention behind the exercise is to release that negative energy, those negative thoughts to make you healthy, calm and free.
Implementing these things in your life will hopefully, help you release the emotions in your body and allow for you to have a calmer outlook on life, have more energy and enjoying yourself!!
What do you think? Are there other techniques you use to release your emotions?
Katrina x
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