We’re heading into the home stretch when it comes to not just connecting with your soul but actually listening to it.

Why do we do this?

To find out what it is we really are meant to be doing or sharing in our lives.

These are all important steps because our lives and minds are just so filled with all the every day chatter that we fill it with.

Constantly on our mobile phones, binge watching tv, always checking emails for work or personal.

The world that is now is one of instant gratification.  Don’t know the answer? Look it up on the internet.

Learning to quiet our minds takes time.

Putting the effort into being still and listening to our souls can seem incredibly frustrating because people want the answer NOW!

They don’t want to have to make the changes or put in the work.

And that’s not how things work in the spiritual world.

That doesn’t mean that it’s all hard work, it just means things take time and also a bit of effort.

Our 6th step is learning to let go of negativity.

Easier said than done, however, again with practice you will get a lot better at it.

How many of you are critical without even realizing it???

Seriously, I’ll put my hand up because while I know I’m a hell of a lot better than I was, I still have a way to go.

Yes, this is going to be a tough one, because the majority of us are critical / judgmental without realizing it.

For instance, your driving along to work and someone cuts in front of you, what do you think or say???

Come on now, be honest!!

Or you see someone walking along the street, have you ever thought, ‘did you even look in a mirror?’ or maybe ‘what the hell is she thinking wearing that?’.

When it comes to changing thought habits it’s a process.

You need to start implementing a new strategy and think of a new and positive way of thinking.

Want some examples?

When someone cuts you off, instead of giving them the finger and cursing at them, just think, at least they didn’t hit me and they must be needing to get somewhere faster than I do.

Or you see someone walking down the street …. ‘Wow, aren’t they so confident to be able to wear that outfit!’.

Even if at the beginning you just sending a blessing to them.

You need to keep your energy levels up and you can’t do that by harbouring and thinking negative thoughts.

Keep a track and I think you’ll be surprised how many of those nasties slip into your daily thought pattern.

Let me know how you go!  I’m sure other readers will be pleased for some tips!

Love & light

Katrina x