Are you wanting to get on your spiritual journey but not quite sure where to start?

I mean, do you meditate? If so, how?

Are you supposed to go to some church or what?

What the hell is a spiritual journey anyway?

I’m glad you asked!

One thing to remember is that everyone’s spiritual journey is different.

We start in different places and end in different places and our experiences of even similar things is different as well.

There is absolutely no right or wrong when it comes to the spiritual path that you take.

So, firstly, don’t compare what anyone else is doing, because this is all about you.

You don’t have to be special to be spiritual or get on your spiritual journey.

Nor do you need some guru to follow.

What actually IS spirituality?

Well, it’s the system connecting and aligning us to the Divine, our ancestors, our highest-self, the Universe and each other.

Spirituality also takes commitment, pretty much like anything else you want to get better at.

In simple terms, if you think of it as if you want to get healthy, you need to start somewhere and then be dedicated to the journey of getting healthy.

You need to treat not just your physical body but emotional as well.

Spirituality is the same.

You’ll need to do some exercise, you know, things like breath work or shadow work and to nourish your soul.  You’ll need to do things like meditation, chakra balance, energy healing etc.

In all honesty, spiritual enlightenment in a nutshell is you dealing with all your own toxic bullshit.

Because it’s our responsibility to identify things we do that are toxic and to heal them.

That’s because Spirituality requires accountability and forgiveness – and that’s forgiveness to ourselves as well as others.

Spirituality is not all love and light.

There is a little bit of go fuck yourself in there as well. LOL

Don’t think for one moment that if you’re spiritual you’re not allowed to get angry and that you’re always smiling and loving.

That’s crap.

Holding onto those heavy emotions is actually damaging to us.  You need to release the crap to allow the peace to come in.

Remember that to be whole is to actually embrace the dark inside us but also the light.  The yin and the yang must be balanced.

Now that I’ve explained all that, here’s some tips for you. Remember you won’t do all the sub points but the ones that resonate with you.

  1. Organize your life as a whole

Our external world is a reflection of our internal world.  Remove unnecessary clutter in your life.

  • Make your bed every day
  • Clean out your handbag / purse / wallet
  • Organise your wardrobe space
  • Donate all those things that no longer serve you.

Declutter your mind

  • Plan your goals
  • Write everything down that you need to do
  • Start a morning and/or evening routine
  • Empty your email inbox
  • Keep a track of your income and your expenditures


  1. Self-Reflection

Ask yourself some or all of these questions …. And answer them!

  • Who am I really and what do I want out of my life?
  • Is the life I’m living my most authentic?
  • What is there about my life that I don’t like?
  • What do I like about my life?
  • How can I be more loving?
  • When was the last time I stepped out of my comfort zone?
  • Is my perspective healthy?
  • Are my thoughts and actions intentional and conscious?
  • Do I put the effort in to nurture my relationships?
  • Am I taking care of my physical body?
  • Am I worrying about things that I can’t control?
  • Do I have a good relationship with money?


  1. Be Still

Meditate. Why? Because it allows you to relax and feel what is presently true and it will help you gain a greater connection to your intuition.


  1. Let the Shit go

A big one as it’s not the easiest thing to do.  Release what no longer serves you.  Then your higher self will make room for the things that you truly deserve and desire.  If you’re stuck in the past, you can’t evolve. If you want joy and freedom you really do need to let go.


  1. Love yourself

Another one that people struggle with.  When you take care of yourself you are honoring the universe, your ancestors and yourself.  When our physical and/or mental bodies are clogged up and bogged down with crap that is unhealthy we block the opportunity for spiritual growth.


  1. Educate yourself

Read.  Read biographies or experiences that other people have had.  You’ll pick some up and love them, I loved Conversations with God it just made so much sense to me.  And other books you’ll probably not even finish.  But read and read lots.


  1. Enjoy the process

Just remember that you’re not aiming for the finish line, because there isn’t one.  Spirituality is something that you’re continually growing and evolving as you learn and experience more, you’re understanding changes and the process continues.  You’re going to have days where everything just sucks, and that’s ok but don’t dwell there.

All you need to do is start.

Love & light

Katrina x