7 Ways to Deepen Your Connection with the Spirit World
Here are 7 simple things that you can do to deepen your connection with the spiritual world.
If you think that you need to be super spiritual to be able to receive messages from the Spirit World, then I’m going to tell you that you don’t.
However, you do need to do some simple things to help deepen your connection with the spiritual world.
Don’t worry if you struggle to implement even one of them on a daily basis, because it’s mainly all about changing the way we think, not just physical habits.
Meditation – yes, I know it’s almost the ‘go to’ of the spiritual world, isn’t it? However, meditation is actually important. The reason that meditating will help you connect with the spirit world, is because it’s teaching us to turn off that ‘monkey mind’ – that chatter that’s going on in our brains. It’s hard to connect with the Spirit World when our minds are full of what to buy for dinner, or what to cook, or how to deal with that person at work, or stressing about your kids as examples.
We need to learn to shut off that chatter and just be still, in the moment. I know I struggled to do this for a long time, however, when you do start to get used to it, it does become easier. If you’re starting out, you don’t need to sit in the lotus position, chanting Ohm. Get yourself a guided meditation that goes for about 5 minutes – baby steps, folks, baby steps! When you feel comfortable doing that, then expand it with another guided meditation that goes for 10 minutes. Slowly increase it till you can get to about half an hour.
You’ll soon find that you can sit down and have a cup of tea and just shut off your mind, essentially having mini meditations throughout the day.
Then of course, you can do guided meditations to connect with someone in the spirit world, or just go for it yourself.
No Alcohol/Drugs – I don’t drink, that is because I wasn’t brought up in that environment, however, anything that is going to alter your ability to process clear thought, isn’t going to help. So, no alcohol or drugs. Now, I am NOT saying stop taking medication that you need for your health! But if you’re wanting to connect with the spirit world, you do need a clear mind.
Talk to them – You don’t have to do this out loud but in your mind. Just chat to them, even when you can’t feel them around or you don’t know if they’re listening (they are) let them know that you want to talk to them, ask them questions, the wait for answers in the form of signs.
There’s no co-incidence – When you see, hear or feel something happen that you ‘think’ might be from them, it is. Stop writing these things off as co-incidence. Thank them for what they’ve shown / done for you and feel appreciative that they have.
Change the way you think – It really is about mindfulness and appreciation for what we have at any given time. Learning to be calmer, not focusing on the negative around but on the solutions / positive puts you in a calmer frame of mind, it also teaches you to become more aware of what’s happening around you.
Get off your phone, TV, ipad – we’re living in a world where we are constantly entertained where people now struggle to be without that electronic stimulation. Turn the bloody things off, play some calming music, burn some incense or candles and just relax and be. Read an inspirational book but turn off that electronic stimulus because your brain needs that break.
Intuitive writing – I know that this isn’t for everyone, however, when you get into the swing of things, it really works well. To start off, just think of a question, and then you meditation on that question and write down what comes to you, detaching yourself from the words and what is being written, just write it all down. It may well be just gobbledegook to start with, but as you keep practicing you’ll be guided with what to write, and that guidance is your inner being and also your spirit guides. Keep writing and just let the topic and information flow. It’s also best to do it handwritten rather than computer at the beginning. Get some paper, a pen, let your mind clear with some big breaths and then just write.
Love & Light
Katrina-Jane x
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