If you’re reading this you’re wondering how to start changing your life and become more spiritual.  Maybe you’re on a spiritual path and just wondering if you’re doing things correctly.

Let me start by saying that there’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way of doing things, because your spiritual journey is just that, yours.

What worked for your partner, best friend or me, isn’t necessarily the right thing for you to do.

I’m going to offer you some suggestions that will help you along, but remember in the big scheme of things, you have to do things that you feel are right for you; which you feel comfortable doing and which you’re interested in.

However, never for one moment, think that you’ve gotten to the place where you ‘know it all’.  You never will, that’s growth.

If anything starts to feel as though it’s ‘forced’ then it’s time to move on.  However, don’t just give up straight away because some things take a while to practice and get the hang of!

  1. Meditate – this is a big one for anyone becoming spiritual, learning to meditate.  If you give it a go and struggle, I’m going to ask you to persist a bit longer.  If you have a really busy mind and can’t just sit there and empty your mind (welcome to my world!) listen to a guided meditation.  Just FYI, I offer some free ones on my website, just click >>HERE to download them.   Meditation is a good practice to get into.  It helps to quiet the mind so that you’re more able to sense messages when they come through, to listen to what your intuition is telling you instead of all the jumble of noise.
  2. Read about inspiring spiritual journey’s – this doesn’t have to be only stories of people that have become clairvoyants (like mine) but cover all facets of spirituality or religion or just people who have opened themselves up to living in the present and how they’ve mastered that. By reading a number of different stories, you’re going to open yourself up to seeing how everyone’s journeys are different.  Some things will really feel like they’re connecting with you, so read more about that subject.  Others you won’t find that interesting, so leave that for now.
  3. Stop judging – it’s a big one and difficult to do because we are taught constantly by the media and society to judge others ‘who wore it better?’ I mean who fucking cares? Learn to embrace people for who they are, but just in the day to day life, don’t judge others.  When you find yourself doing that, remind yourself to instead think something positive about the person you just mentally judged. For example: ‘did she even look in a mirror this morning?’ Change this to ‘isn’t she great that she has the confidence to dress how she likes’.
  4. Commit to what you choose to do – if you’re going to meditate then make sure you do it every day, for say, 10 minutes. If you’re reading up on different topics, commit to reading a bit every day.
  5. Be kind – not just to others because that’s easy.  Offering a kind word, a compliment, letting someone go in front of you in line at the supermarket.  Be kind to yourself, be aware of how you speak to yourself, how you think of yourself.  That’s the big challenge, being kind to yourself.
  6. Keep a gratitude journal – at the end of the day write down 3 things that you’re grateful for and make them three different things every day, no point writing the same things down all year! What this does, is teaches you to be happy with what you have, instead of constantly wanting more.  It helps you live in the moment.
  7. Don’t be afraid to change – fear of change is what holds so many people back. One thing you learn on a spiritual journey is that the journey never ends.  At no time will you ‘know it all’.  You will realise that you will start to embrace more people, more ideas, be more open to change and accepting that life is never how we think it should be but how it is.  Every day is different and offers new challenges, how we respond to those challenges is what makes life easy or difficult.  Don’t be afraid to continually grow.


Love & light

Katrina x