I don’t know about you, but I’m totally fascinated by being reincarnated!




I’ve read a few books on the topic as in people who believe that they have reincarnated.

But, how do you know if your soul has reincarnated before?

I’m going to share with you eight signs that you can look for within yourself to see if you have.

Do remember that some souls are new and haven’t reincarnated before.

Then we have those babies that just looking at them you know that their an ‘old soul’.

Here’s a few signs for you to check.

  1. If you’re someone who sees through illusions really easily. Where you’re not taken in by people’s lies.  Where you feel a bit odd because everyone around you just seems taken in by this person.
  2. You are highly sensitive. I don’t mean reactive, but you get exhausted easily just being around people.  That you can ‘feel’ what someone is going through even if they tell you differently.
  3. Your intuition is really strong. That gut instinct is something you know that you can rely on regardless of what other people may be telling you.
  4. You often feel that you just don’t belong here but you actually do. Sometimes you can feel a bit ‘displaced’.
  5. You absolutely crave deep and meaning conversations and connections with people. You’re not after frivolous stuff but things that have meaning.  You don’t need a lot of friends just people that you really connect with and who are good for you.
  6. You highly respect nature, animals and other human beings. You will do your part to improve your world and be kind to the environment and other beings.  Injustice really upsets you.
  7. You have certain talents and gifts that just come naturally to you. This is more than likely because you have practiced them in another lifetime.  You can’t even explain how it comes naturally to you, it just does!
  8. Lastly, more often than not you need a lot of alone time to ‘recharge’. If you don’t, you burn yourself out really easily.

Have a think about yourself and see if any of those resonate with you.

If they do, then your soul has most definitely reincarnated before.

Love & light

Katrina x