Low self-esteem is something that so many people suffer from, especially women.

And I know because I’ve been there and done that when it comes to having low self-esteem!

When I flick through things like Pinterest and Instagram I notice that so many women seem to put photos of their bums up for viewing. Not just their bums, but cleavage, stomachs etc.

You don’t see men doing this, well, I don’t anyway!

I believe that this phenomenon has created an increase in low self-esteem.

Why? Because when women look at other women they immediately compare themselves to that image.

Which is something that you should NOT do!

With age comes knowledge and with knowledge comes acceptance and I truly want to help other women and men for that matter, not have to go through low self-esteem and hatred of yourself like I did.

What can you do to improve your low self-esteem?

Stop comparing yourself to others.

While my Gorgeous Guy and I were away in Hawai’i on holidays, I decided to get him to take a picture of my bum.

The picture with this blog is me.

That’s my 50 year old butt there for you to gawk at.

I’m not looking for validation, I don’t need people to tell me if they think I have a good bum / legs or whatever, which I do believe is probably the reason others do it, for some kind of validation.

I did it because I want you to do something for me.

Look at that picture of me. Then look at yourself.

Don’t compare the two.

My body is my body and no matter how hard I try, it will never look like anyone else’s.

Just like yours will never look like mine. Because you are an individual, just like I am and just like those millions of other women you see pictures of are.

To improve your low self-esteem stop comparing yourself to others, because you will never have a body like theirs.

Instead, make your body the best and healthiest it can be. If you want a six pack, then bloody well work hard to get it.

Change your diet, do the right exercise. Don’t just sit there looking at other people’s abs and feeling like shit because you don’t have them.

You may never have a pert bum but make your bum the best it can be and just be thankful that you have one.

When you stop comparing yourself to others, it really does improve your low self-esteem.

You start to appreciate yourself more, because when you compare yourself, you usually come off second best, right?

Admiring others is fine, but don’t compare.  Embrace the body that you have.

The minute you stop comparing yourself to everyone else, your low self-esteem will start to pick up and you will soon really start feeling better about yourself.

Because you’re not constantly running yourself down.

You’re not wishing your body was something that it will never be.

Instead, start thanking your body every day. When you look in the mirror tell yourself that you’re not too bad for a 40 year old (or whatever age you are).

I’m 50. That’s my 50 year old body. But it’s going to look totally different to another 50 year old’s body, because we’re different.

And that’s OK.

So, please.  Stop comparing yourself to others and watch that low self-esteem start to dissolve.

If you enjoyed this article you may wish to read my book 6 easy steps to a brand new you available from Amazon.
