Your purpose, have you ever wondered what it is?

Maybe you don’t even know where to start when it comes to working it out.

Most of us get to a stage in life when we wonder why we’re here.

Some lucky people never wonder at all!

What is your purpose?

What is it that you’re really supposed to be doing in your life?

Usually we want to be giving back in some way, you know to help others.

Where do you start?

Here’s my tips in helping you find Your Purpose.

I believe that the first thing that you should be is honest with yourself, really honest.

I’m talking warts and all here.

We all have good and bad aspects of our personality.

This isn’t a bad thing! When you know the ‘bad’ aspects you save yourself a lot of hassles!

If you don’t like animals, then don’t go volunteering at an animal shelter!

Maybe you’re one of those people that need things laid out for them, if that’s the case, then don’t raise your hand to help organize a fundraiser.

If you hate dealing with people, then don’t go into customer service!

You see when you’ve worked out that list you will at least have an idea what NOT to do and that’s half the battle!

When you’ve done that, then it’s time to see what there is out there in the big wide world that you could do.

Because THAT is what your purpose is.

It’s doing something that you love doing.

Just remember that your purpose doesn’t have to be what you do for a living.

It could be a hobby.

Maybe you just volunteer your time to an organization and that’s fulfilling enough.

Not everyone has to be great or famous.

All those famous people need the people in the background helping them.

Your Purpose also doesn’t have to be spiritual.

Being an accountant, a good honest accountant helping people with their finances could be Your Purpose.

Take the spiritual aspect out of it because I know that’s where a lot of people get stuck.

And stop thinking what other people are doing is what you’re supposed to be doing.

You need to be honest and true to yourself.

It’s just doing what you enjoy doing, because that’s what it’s all about.

Living your purpose is living a life that you don’t need a break from.

If you’d like to read my book on finding your purpose, just click >>HERE
