Over the years, I’ve had a lot of people ask me how their loved one is in the spirit world.

I’ve also had people ask me how they feel about what’s going on here on earth, whether there are family issues or people grieving over their passing etc.

So, I thought that this week, I would let you know what I’ve discovered about this very topic over the last 10 years of doing readings for people and getting messages from the spirit world.

The first thing I’ve found out is that when we pass over, we’re no longer human.  This human shell that we have is gone.  The human frailties, emotions, etc, that we have as humans aren’t there anymore.

That doesn’t mean that as spirits we don’t care or have feelings but we’re more evolved than we are as humans.

It’s actually hard for us to realise this because it’s out of our realms of comprehension that we’re not the same people that we were on earth.

However, our souls are the same, they don’t change.  That’s how we connect and know each other in the spirit world.

That’s how we find each other when we’ve reincarnated here on earth.  Because remember, that when we reincarnate we don’t look the same.  We may be male or female, with all the different characteristics that a human has, but we can meet someone and have a soul connection.

We recognize each other’s soul, our essence.

In the spirit world, we also have the ability to see what we’ve done in this lifetime.  What lessons we learnt, what we didn’t learn, what we’ll need to come back and learn.  Hopefully so that we don’t have to do it again and again.

We also, understand that our loved ones will be grieving for us.  We remember what that’s like.  We understand that as humans, we need to do that.

In the spirit world, we have no attachment to anything in this world.  What I mean by that is I’ve had people come to me and wanted their loved one in the spirit world to tell them what to do with their ashes.

The answer?  They don’t care.  They aren’t attached to their property, personal possessions or even their body / ashes.

Which means, you can do whatever you want with them and not be concerned that your loved one is going to be upset with you!

They understand that we need to grieve, but they don’t want us to grieve forever and stop living.  They want each of us to get on with our lives and go down the path that we are meant to be travelling.

They don’t get mad if we don’t grieve or if we move on quickly, because they have no connection with that person that they were.

They love us and will be with us, because they’re connected to our souls, but not all the stuff to do with humanity.

They will sometimes come through and apologise for not having a will, or for entrusting someone that has taken advantage of the situation, because as humans they weren’t aware of what was really going on or they were not prepared to die.

Grieve, but continue to live your life.  You’ll re-connect with your loved one in the spirit world, or again here on earth when we come back to learn some more life lessons.

Don’t make decisions wondering if they would ‘like’ it or ‘agree’ with it or whatever ….. just do what is right for you, they get it!!

Love & Light


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