The Death card in tarot is one of the cards that is the most likely to freak people out!

You know when you’re sitting there and the tarot reader is slowly turning the cards over and you’re hoping for all nice pretty cards to be shown and then….


You’re mind immediately goes to who the hell is going to be dying?!

Let me rest your mind right now.  The Death card doesn’t actually mean a physical death.

It’s actually a nice card!

When it appears in your spread upright (as upside it has a different meaning) it generally means change – a new beginning.

However, for a new beginning to happen, something has to end.

And that’s where you get the death.  Something ending for something to begin.

Think of it this way, you fall pregnant, it doesn’t mean the end of the pregnancy, but the end of your life as you know it.  This allows for the new to begin, being a parent.

It can be the end of a relationship that was meant to end so you can go out there and meet someone new.  Or maybe you quit your job (ending) and get to start a new one that you’re really excited about (beginning).

If the Death card appears reversed, which means upside in a reading, like all the other cards, it has a different meaning behind it.

Reversed it generally means that you’re clinging to old things and this is stopping the new from beginning.

For example, you could be in a relationship that just isn’t going anywhere but you won’t leave.  For whatever reason, this is stopping both you and your partner from finding the right person!

Or you’re staying in a job even though you hate it.

Just be warned that the universe doesn’t allow us to stay in these kinds of situations forever, so if the Death card is reversed, you’ll find that the universe does it’s thing to force us to make a decision, or to make a change.  You may get retrenched from your job, or your partner tells you that they’re leaving.

It’s about letting go of the old so you can make way for the new.

Pretty exciting really and not nearly as sad or scary as death!

Love & Light

Katrina x

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