I really struggle with people who are unethical or just don’t think before they tell people things.

The case in point is my husband told me that a friend of ours (who actually isn’t really a friend anymore) was delving into numbers or something and did a number reading on him and told him something along the lines of he would get his act together and understand his life and then drop dead! What??? Seriously, you DO NOT say this kind of thing to anyone! This person didn’t have any qualifications to do this, it truly is a case of “a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous”, that would be like me doing a palm reading for someone, I understand a bit but no-where enough to do it properly, so therefore I don’t attempt it at all.
If you are starting to dabble in the spiritual side of things, do be aware that the information you get can be very hurtful and tact is an essential thing to learn – also remember that no matter how kindly you try and give information, sometimes the person just doesn’t want to hear it and will bite your head off anyway – I’ve learnt that this is their issue and not mine, I just deliver the message and I always do my best to deliver it with love and kindness and tact and most important of all to be non-judgmental. I’m not perfect and I make mistakes but I also don’t try and give information to people that I know nothing about, I know what my limits are.
Has anyone had a bad experience with a psychic / tarot reader / palm reader or whatever?
Happy Halloween to all in the Southern Hemisphere!!!