Personal boundaries: why are they important?
Do you struggle setting personal boundaries? I’ve noticed on my Facebook page that a lot of people struggle to set personal boundaries. Maybe because you don’t want to be seen…
Messages from the Spirit World
How do you get messages from the spirit world? I have a lot of people come to me asking if their loved ones are alright in the spirit world. That…
10 Things That Require Zero Talent!
Far too often we focus on those things we aren’t able to do – you know like singing, not everyone can sing. However I don’t believe that means that you…
Why You Shouldn’t Set a New Year’s Resolution?
Why set yourself up to fail by setting a New Year’s Resolution? I know, I know but isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? Set a resolution on January 1st…
And so this is Christmas
And so, this is Christmas. The silly season is upon us. Christmas carols are playing constantly in the shops. We’re being bombarded by advertising to buy things for our loved…
I haven’t always suffered from anxiety
I haven’t always suffered from anxiety. In fact, I was just a very normal, albeit clairvoyant, woowoo kind of person, not a hint of anxiety. And then my world fell…
You are beautiful
You are beautiful. Yes, you are, don’t argue with me, you ARE beautiful. I know that you’ll look in the mirror and start picking apart your body. Arms to flabby….
Guilt stop it and change your priorities
Stop the guilt when making decisions! Do you know just how much of a powerful motivator guilt is? Guilt traps people in places and relationships that they don’t really want…
What are you settling for in your life?
Have you ever asked yourself what your settling for in your life? I want you to just take a moment, it doesn’t have to be a big deep and meaningful…
How do you Find your Purpose? It’s not as hard as you think!
How do you find your purpose? Are you one of those people that are wondering what their purpose is? People ask me how do they find their purpose? What their…
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