How to Gain Emotional Freedom
How to gain emotional freedom. Let me give you a hint. It means that you don’t care. Sounds a bit callous doesn’t it? Not caring? I’m not telling you not…
How to Meditate on Your Third Eye
Meditating on your third eye isn’t difficult. I’m going to share with you a way that I learnt to do it and what works for me. Just remember that everyone…
A white horse meaning
The topic of a white horse as a symbol of death has randomly been shown to me. I was sitting down watching a TV show that was filmed about 20…
7 Types of Toxic People
I’m going to share with you 7 types of toxic people because the term ‘toxic’ gets thrown around a lot these days. However, what exactly is a toxic person? More…
Three simple rules
Three simple rules that are important to remember. Our lives can get so caught up in what we should and shouldn’t be doing that in the end it all just…
5 Weird Signs Your Vibration is Raising
Your vibration is raising, you hope, but how do you know? We often talk about the ways in which the spirit world let us know that things are happening, you…
7 Signs You Are Clairaudient
Clairaudient is being able to hear something that isn’t actually present to the ear. Clear as mud? Essentially when you are clairaudient it means that you can hear messages from…
What is Shadow Work?
Shadow work, have you heard that term but wondered what exactly it is? First up, I’m not talking about that thing caused by the sun when we stand in it!…
5 Ways to Develop Your Clairsentience
Clairsentience – what actually is it? There are a number of different ‘clairs’ as they call them in the spiritual world. Today, I’m just going to touch on clairsentience. The…
8 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Before
I don’t know about you, but I’m totally fascinated by being reincarnated! I’ve read a few books on the topic as in people who believe that they have…
7 Times You Should Burn Sage
Burn Sage! Is the cry when you’ve feeling flat. Or you’re having a restless sleep. Believe me there’s plenty of times people say that you need to burn sage. In…
What I’ve learnt about letting go
Letting go is easier said than done. In this instance, I’m not talking about letting go of people but stuff. You see, my Gorgeous Guy (GG) and I decided at…
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