How do I show respect for others?
How do I show respect for others is something that we should all ask ourselves especially when dealing with people face to face? A couple of weeks ago there was…
How do I go with the flow? A lesson in patience
How do I go with the flow? Good question! Let me start by saying that I never write about something I know nothing about or that I don’t believe in….
What is a clairvoyant?
What is a Clairvoyant? Well here we are at the beginning of a brand new year and there is a whole heap of mystery and adventures and for some, heartache…
How do I find my path?
Last week I volunteered to do some ‘food serving’ for the launch of Facon Magazine, the reason behind that was Lara the stylist behind the magazine is the person who…
Let children use their imagination
I was reading a Facebook post of a friend of mine. She is a single mum who is a school teacher with a beautiful daughter and they don’t have much,…
How do I set priorities?
I was watching the TV program Sunday Night last night, funnily enough it was also Sunday Night! And they had some interesting stories on. One was about a shanty village…
How do I find my passion / purpose?
How does one go about finding my Passion / purpose? I think most of us get to a stage in life when we wonder why we are here. We ask…
Fear of dying
Why don’t people like talking about death? I mean we’re all going to die, doesn’t mean that we all want to, but it is inevitable and ignoring it and your…
December 2015 Newsletter
This is my last newsletter for 2015 and it’s amazing to think that another year is drawing to a close. So much has happened this year some amazing and exciting…
Live the life you want
Why do we make decisions with the belief that we will live forever? We put things off ‘until retirement’ or ‘until the kids get older’ or ‘when I feel I…
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