Hello Everyone,

The weather here in Australia really does go from one extreme to the other – last month we were hit by devastating bushfires and now it’s all rain and tornado’s and we aren’t supposed to get tornado’s in Australia!  Mind you, after the heat and those bushfires the rain is a welcome relief, I was driving through one of the areas hit by fire the other week and it is amazing to see the green shoots coming through already – in nature a fire isn’t the end, it is merely the beginning and it is needed for the bush to regenerate, it’s like in our lives, sometimes we have to go through something traumatic which then makes us shed everything and everyone that no longer holds a purpose so that we can come back like new. A shedding of the old is sometimes needed to allow the real you to shine through.

I didn’t win in the small business awards but again, thank you to everyone that voted for me and all the words of support that you gave.

I had the most amazing experience this month, a while ago a lovely lady came to see me, her son was stillborn and during her reading he showed me his little sister that he was sending to her – well, low and behold she has arrived in this world and I got to meet her and have a cuddle!  I said to her, “I met you before you were even conceived” and she looked exactly as I was shown.  Absolutely amazing!!

Well, who can believe that Christmas is just around the corner, again!  If you are trying to think of a gift for the person that has everything or maybe something just a little bit different here are some suggestions:-

  • A ½ hour gift voucher for a clairvoyant reading – with me of course!  This may be used for any of the types of readings I offer, email, telephone (if within Australia) or in person so it doesn’t matter where they live they are still able to use it.  They come with an expiry time of three months.
  • How about someone’s birth astrology chart?  Michelle who does the astrology for this newsletter also offers gift vouchers and a full natal chart reading is $60 for the hour.
  • Michelle also offers baby readings as well – a lovely gift for the new mum and dad on the special arrival – the chart does a personality assessment (which I think every parent would appreciate!) and would make a different kind of present.  If you would like to contact Michelle her details are down this newsletter with the astrology report.
  • Michelle’s husband David is the most amazing artist, he draws animals so for the pet lover this would be ideal – he also draws homes his website is: www.houseportraits.com.au

With Christmas just around the corner – for those in the Northern Hemisphere if following pagan traditions will be celebrating Yule while those of us in the Southern Hemisphere will be celebrating Litha – the Summer solstice on 22nd December.  this is a time for reflection, bringing together your strengths and clearing away negative thoughts and energies – be joyful and enjoy life.

It’s Never too Late:

To listen to birds, take time out from your busy day and schedule and stop and listen to the birds chattering in the trees.  Take the time to stop and watch them, how they survive, with their chatter they just sound so happy have a natter while eating their food it’s all so very social!  The talent that they have when they build a nest is absolutely amazing – a bird’s chatter will always life the spirits.

A message from: – Egyptian Goddess Bast

You all need to be independent but don’t draw away from others, listen to their advice and weigh things up and then you need to make the decisions from yourself.  Get more balance in your life, solitude along with social times – enjoy the outdoors and breathe deeply of the clean air, don’t be afraid to have fun, be playful enjoy a good laugh, be loyal but don’t allow yourself to be used.

Feng Shui – Basics

I thought I would bring to my newsletters some little bits and pieces of Feng Shui, which is pronounced Foong Schway.

Each month we have been touching on the Celestial Cures, which are just ways to adjust the qi life energy flowing through your home and garden.

This month it’s the Fourth Celestial Cure – Harmonious Sound is what makes the fourth celestial cure – so think wind chimes, tinkling bells, birdsong, running water (like a fountain) even the sounds of gentle raindrops falling on the roof, humming insects (bees collecting pollen) and gentle music – so think about what you could add or change in your home to create a harmonious sound.

If you’re wondering which is the best kind of wind chime to buy – some experts prefer a windchime with a hollow rod to allow the energy to flow through, but I feel that if it is one that you are attracted to then get it because you’re energy is in line with it.

If you want to encourage local native birds – put a bird feeder out with their particular birdseed to hear them chattering away.


Astrological Forecast for December 2013 by Michelle Oberdorf

Well, we’ve come to the last month of this year so quickly! What does it hold in store for you? As usual, this forecast is based on your Sun sign, but if you know your Moon and Rising (Ascendant) signs please read them as well for further insight.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this Forecast.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 9th house of the higher mind and understanding. You may start a new course of study or open yourself up through exploring different cultures or philosophies, or by travelling overseas. This New Moon also trines Uranus in your 1st house of personality which may give you an unexpected urge to be independent or to do something different. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 4th house of home, family and emotional foundations with your 8th house of intimacy, shared resources, mysteries and rebirth. Jupiter in the 4th house will give a boost in terms of positive relationships with your loved ones. This can also be a very sensual (or sexy) time so enjoy! Saturn in the 8th house also asks you to deepen your intuition to help improve your intimate relations. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 1st house of personality so you may become the centre of attention at this time. Take advantage of any unusual or different opportunities that are presented to you, just remember to stay open to others’ needs as well. Wilfulness can be destructive, so please ensure your need for freedom is in check.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 8th house of intimacy and shared resources. Now may be the time to open yourself to someone else’s advances and to let go of any outworn emotional habit patterns which haven’t served you well. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 12th house tells you to listen very carefully to your dreams and intuitions, and you might get a hint of the future. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 3rd house of the mind and communication with the 7th house of one-to-one partnerships and public relations. Jupiter in the 3rd house will colour your ideas with powerful feelings and emotions. You will need to be mindful of the meanings behind your words also as there may be sensitive people around you. Saturn in your 7th house of relationships reminds you that being generous will be rewarded. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 12th house of spirituality so you might want some time alone to retreat and meditate. Listen to your dreams and open yourself through prayer and quietude.

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 7th house of one-to-one partnerships and public relations. There may be a new beginning this month in these areas of life. A partnership may be re-vamped in some way, or you might decide to tie the knot. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 11th house of friendships and group associations may offer some excitement through meeting new people who may become business or marital partners, or friends.  Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 2nd house of values, material resources and innate talents with the 6th house of daily work and health routines. Jupiter in the 2nd house may bring some extra spending and the desire to indulge, but remember that there’s still work to be done. Use your mental and emotional resources in an efficient way, then you’ll have more time to do the things you love. Saturn in your 6th house reminds you to be responsible and committed at work, and to watch the budget. Remember to balance the work and play aspects of your life. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 11th house of friends and group associations, so you might meet some exciting new people with refreshing ideas, and some stale or boring friendships may fall by the wayside now.

Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You may want to party at this time of year but please make sure you have taken care of your work responsibilities first. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 10th house of career and public standing suggests your efforts could bring a reward through new social contacts. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 1st house of personality and self-image with the 5th house of romance and creative self-expression. Jupiter in the 1st house may make you feel like you have lots of energy, but you may like to let others take the lead while you invest your feelings in those who mean the most to you. Saturn in the 5th house reminds you that a creative and loving approach to people special to you is the best gift you can give, and love is what you will receive in return. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 10th house of career and public standing, energising your sense of ambition. You may find your current career position is a bit static or boring, and you may feel restless and want to move on. You may want to move on to something with more of a challenge, however proceed with care and don’t make any sudden, wilful or rash decisions.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 5th house of love, romance and creative self-expression. You are more romantic and sensitive than usual and lady luck might come along if you speculate. Simple pleasures will become more pleasurable than usual. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 9th house of the higher mind and understanding and may bring brilliant ideas and opportunities to travel. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 12th house of spirituality and hidden matters with the 4th house of home, family and emotional foundations. Jupiter in the 12th house suggests that you need to slow down to gain a clearer spiritual vision of the future. Ask for help from family members if you need it, especially if there are any emotional undercurrents over the holiday break. Saturn in the 4th house reminds you that spiritual gifts are more important than money and that love is your true security. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 9th house of the higher mind and understanding. Listen carefully and write thoughts down as some exciting new insights may come to you now. Be flexible and have a sense of adventure, and this can bring you a new and better future. Improve yourself by studying anything which may broaden your mind.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 4th house of home, family and emotional foundations. You can use this energy to clean your house and get the shopping done for the holiday season. You know how to keep things simple and refined for the family. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 8th house of intimacy and joint resources may bring an opportunity for a passionate encounter. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 11th house of friends and group associations with the 3rd house of the mind and communications. Jupiter in the 11th house suggests that parties will be great this year – new people, new places and new opportunities are calling. Mingle with care though and don’t go overboard. Saturn in the 3rd house reminds you to keep some of yourself and your thoughts for yourself. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 8th house of intimacy and shared resources, and may shake up the status quo. Extra sensual experiences may come your way now so accept the changes and renewal in this area of life.

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 3rd house of the intellect, local environment and communication. There may be a lot of running around to do, and this is a good time to express yourself in words so start sending out the Chrissy cards.  The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 7th house of one-to-one partnerships may shake up the relationship balance and status quo you so enjoy. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 10th house of career and public standing with the 2nd house of values, material possessions and resources. With Jupiter in your 10th house you may feel like ‘going for it’ in your career, and there may be new opportunities now that present themselves. Saturn in your 2nd house reminds you that success is a combination of talent and careful planning, and possibly being careful with the $$. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 7th house of one-to-one partnerships so you’ll feel more freedom and excitement in this area as any boredom will be ‘spiced up.’ Try some new and different things with your partner, and you may even take on some of their more unusual ideas now.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 2nd house of material resources, values and possessions. Money will come and go if you don’t take care of the budget and the things that truly matter to you. You may have an opportunity to earn more money, but you may need to use all your talents to bring it to fruition. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 6th house of daily work and health routines may bring more responsibilities to handle them, and try not to allow any colleagues to get on your nerves. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 9th house of the higher mind and understanding with the 1st house of personality and projection. Jupiter in your 9th house expands your ambitions and your ability to visualise your future. However your future must be built on solid knowledge and the rules of business and your culture. You must believe in what you want to achieve. Saturn in your 1st house reminds you to focus your emotional energy and keep it on your goals. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 6th house of health and daily work routines. Use your focus and discipline to break through to exciting new discoveries in these areas. Follow your intuition and harness the power of new technology in the workplace, which can then lead to future success.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 1st house of personality and projection. Your outgoing personality is running high now so go out and party as much as you can without overdoing things of course. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 5th house of romance and creative self-expression may bring new opportunities for pleasure, possibly of a romantic nature. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 8th house of intimate partnerships and shared resources with the 12th house of spirituality and hidden matters. Jupiter in your 8th house helps you inspire people since your charisma comes from the soul. Saturn in the 12th focuses your intuitive insight adding an uncanny understanding of how you can use your spiritual power to overcome personal limitations. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 5th house of creativity and romance, so the pursuit of pleasure is highlighted. You are a difficult one to tame naturally so you may embark on a great romantic adventure.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 12th house of spirituality and hidden matters. You may need some quiet time so stay away from all the busyness at the shops as much as you can. You can plan ahead now to miss the crowds. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 4th house of home, family and emotional foundations may find you doing something a bit different and special at home this Christmas. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 7th house of one-to-one partnerships and public relations with the 11th house of friends and group associations. Jupiter in the 7th house brings opportunities for growth through your personal and business relationships. Use your networking skills to improve your effectiveness with others. You may also appear before a crowd of admirers. Saturn in your 11th house reminds you to join with others in a cooperative way. This may help you obtain some personal recognition too. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 4th house of home, family and emotional foundations. This may bring some changes in the family so show your strength by going with the new flow and adjusting to a new sense of emotional security.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 11th house of friends and group associations. This is the house your sign naturally rules so you should have a rich social life now, and also have plenty of opportunities to get out and party, possibly rubbing shoulders with influential people. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 3rd house of the mind and communication will keep your mind active and you may have plenty of inventive and new ideas now. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 6th house of daily work and health routines with the 10th house of career and public standing. Jupiter in your 6th house expands opportunities in the area of your work and employment. This is a great time to prove your hard work and demonstrate your efficiency on the job. The better you perform, the more opportunities will come your way. Saturn in your 10th house reminds you to use discipline and focus to impress authority figures with how effective you are, and they in turn can help you move ahead in your career. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 3rd house of the mind and communication, but don’t let the excitement overtake your common sense. Take care in travel and with your communications or you may end up somewhere you don’t want to be or say something unexpectedly that you didn’t want to say. Open your mind, analyse the data and communicate it to others so your genius shines through.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20): The New Moon on December 3 is in the sign of Sagittarius and falls in your 10th house of career and public standing. You are a very sensitive person and sometimes you like to shy away from the public domain. However your warm and caring nature can carry you far if you go to the right parties and meet the right people. The New Moon’s trine to Uranus in your 2nd house of values, material possessions and resources, can see you expressing what you know with a little novel and dramatic flair. Jupiter trines Saturn on December 14 and connects your 5th house of creative self-expression and romance with the 9th house of the higher mind and understanding. Jupiter in your 5th house will expand your desire for pleasure and enjoyment. You may even find a new romantic partner. Use this energy to expand your ability to express yourself through creative projects. Saturn in the 9th house reminds you to focus your mind on learning, so you can prepare yourself for future success. Personal plans need your personal commitment. Uranus turns direct on December 18 in your 2nd house of values, material possessions and resources, so you may need to watch your spending as money may go out in unexpected ways. However, money may suddenly come to you as well. You will need to know what is really important to you and maintain common sense when it comes to spending at this time.

If you would like to have a personal astrology chart done or just for more information please contact Michelle on: 0404 464 740 or michelle.oberdorf@gmail.com and you can visit her website: http://www.hygeiashaven.com.au/

Crystals by Trudie Moore

Trudie is moving house this month and didn’t have the time to write for us but will be back next month!

Trudie Ann Moore is a fully qualified shamanic healer, specialising in Soul Retrieval, and crystals are among the many tools she uses in her work.  She has been a facilitator for psychic development groups, conscious channel, and meditation teacher, for over 30 years.  For more information visit: www.soulsurgery.net.au or join in the conversation on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/TrudieAnnspiritualhealing


Developing your intuition and clairvoyance one day workshop – Saturday, 1st March 2014 this workshop has a limit of 6 people and needs to be paid for prior to attendance to confirm your spot – all information on the workshop is on my website www.katrina-jane.com

If you would like me to bring my workshop to your area – please email me at Katrina@katrina-jane.com

Services that I offer

PSYCHIC PARTIES – I do party groups where everyone has as 15 minute reading – this is lots of fun for baby showers, birthdays, hens nights etc and it’s just $25 per reading.  These readings aren’t burnt to disc because there are usually too many people and it just takes up too much time, but I am able to take notes or the person having the reading can take them if they wish. It obviously depends on where you live – if you live about an hour from Newcastle CBD, I would need a minimum of 10 people having 15 minute readings ($20 each) if you want to have ½ hour readings ($50 each) then a minimum of 4 people would be appreciated.  At this stage I don’t charge to travel to the party, I am literally only charging for the readings.

FUNDRAISING – I’ve also done a few fundraisers, again which I am happy to do to help a good cause – I usually give a percentage of my takings for the day to help raise funds.

GROUP OF FRIENDS – If you don’t want to go the whole hog with a psychic party but there are four or so friends that would like half hour readings, I will visit you in your home – as long as it’s within a certain radius of Newcastle!  As long as I have a private spot to sit and water to drink, I’m happy!!!

Types of readings:

I offer a few different ways to have a reading, they are all ½ hour and cost $50AU:-

1.            Face to face – where you come into my room here at Newcastle and your reading is recorded and burnt to disc at no extra charge.

2.            Telephone – for those that live in Australia

3.            SKYPE – for those anywhere in the world!

4.            Emailed reading – for those that find it difficult to come in for a reading or line a time up for a phone reading or SKYPE.

5.            Mini reading – one question only.

All readings are just as effective as the other, a face to face reading is no different from a phone reading, I just offer all of the above for your convenience.

Blessed be.

Love and Light Katrina

Email: Katrina@katrina-jane.com

Web: Katrina-jane.com

Facebook: Katrina-Jane Clairvoyant Medium