Fear of failure
We make so many choices based on fear. Fear of failure, fear of looking like a fool, fear of realizing that we may not be good at what we want to do.
Because of this we miss out on so many opportunities, because we are too scared to take them. We stay in our comfort zone and spend our life wondering.
Remember that failure is a verb it’s not a noun. Failure is something that happens not someone that you are. You are not and never will be a failure, you may try to do something that doesn’t work out but that doesn’t mean that you are the failure – remember that – there’s a big difference.
Try doing things this way – you know that bucket list that everyone talks about? I want you to write down all the things that you want to learn / achieve – not travel, but things you actually want to learn, so let’s just say that on that list is learning the guitar – you have always wanted to learn it, but just never had the chance, however one thing that has held you back is the fact that you’re not sure if you’re even musical, hell, you don’t even know if you CAN play the guitar – go and learn! Buy a cheap guitar and go and do a six week course for beginners – at the end of that you will know three things:-
1. You love playing the guitar and want to continue with lessons to get even better
2. You hate playing the guitar it is nowhere near as enjoyable as you though it would be
3. You aren’t coordinated to play the guitar, it’s something that just doesn’t come naturally to you, in fact, you really struggle with the whole concept.
You know what? Those three things are GREAT! Really, they are! You have either learnt that you are good at playing the guitar and want to continue this new passion, or you have found out that you don’t like playing the guitar so now you can put that aside and never have to wonder again and move on to the next thing on your list.
See? No failure – you have actually realized that you’re not good at something and that is perfectly Okay. You have freed yourself from the energy of wondering if it’s something you could accomplish or do and have now allowed yourself to try something else.
How good is that?
I think it’s awesome.
So, what are you going to have a try at doing to mark things off your list?
And remember it’s not failure it’s all positive, even though you may not succeed at something, at least you know and will wonder no more!
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