Finding Myself
As my re-branding is nearly completed and I’m sure that you’ve seen the changes happening on my Facebook page, it’s made me take a moment to think about things. OK, so my GG decided to share his man flu with me which has made me lose my voice, thanks for that…not! So there has not been much talking but a lot of thinking!
While the changes that I am making to my business are classed as ‘re-branding’ I realised that it has nothing to do with changing, that this has been a process over the past four years of actually finding myself. Working out who I am, what I stand for – what I don’t, what I want to do and what I don’t and most importantly of all, being comfortable with what I find. I’m not just talking work here, either.
I went through a time of huge stress about four years ago, that’s another story (I swear to god I have a lot of stories!). It really flipped my whole life on its head and I really was that seed that cracked open and all this stuff spewed out (sounds glamorous huh?!) However, now coming out the other side, I can see how all of that had to happen. That I just couldn’t stay that person that I was pretending to be – no, that’s not right either. I wasn’t pretending anything, but I couldn’t stay that person that I thought I was. The universe sent me a huge whammy to make me realise that it was time to find myself, to be true to myself and most importantly, to understand myself.
It’s been one hell of a journey, I can tell you that much! And I know that I’ve mentioned this before, but one thing I find really releasing / clearing whatever you want to call it, is going through my ‘stuff’ that I’ve held onto and deciding whether it still serves me to hang onto it. A few years ago now, I went through my wardrobe, and I donated to charity (always donate don’t throw!) every single item in my wardrobe that I didn’t feel good in. Not just the stuff I hadn’t worn for a few years, but even the everyday things that I wore that when I wore them I just didn’t feel confident, or I felt frumpy or whatever. I did this huge cleanse of my wardrobe and then with what was left I just made do and I refused to buy something that I didn’t really need.
That was the starting of finding myself. Getting rid of all of those clothes that just didn’t make me feel good about myself. Clearing out stuff that I was clinging onto that didn’t provoke good memories, I think I kept them as some form of punishment to myself. By looking at them I was reminded of what a piece of worthless shit I was and what the hell was I thinking, when I thought I deserved happiness? Seriously? Why the fuck was I keeping that shit? It’s gone. Never to be seen again. Removing the things from my life that don’t serve me and also don’t reflect me and my values and the learning about who I am.
That was the start, I shall continue to share my journey, it won’t be easy for me, because essentially I’m a private person. However, I know that by sharing my journey, I may just help and inspire you to make the changes that you need to make for you so that you can live and be your authentic self.
It’s important.
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