You have a homework assignment!

Yes, you read that right!   I am not just writing a blog for you to read this week.  The ones where you think ‘ahh yes, that makes so much sense’ and then you go off and don’t make any changes in your life.

This week – you are going to be the instigators of some major change in your life!

Homework assignment step 1 is this …… take out a piece of paper.

Make it a nice piece of paper, draw some pretty pictures on it to help you feel inspired. Not some scrap bit of paper.

Step 2 for your homework assignment is this … write either a short paragraph or points about the kind of person you want to be.

Tough right? You need to include your values and the kind of life you want to have in a general sense.

Step 3 for your homework assignment … have a re-read of what you have just written, make any adjustments that are necessary.

Re-read it again until you’re satisfied with what you have, and yes, then re-write it on a nice piece of paper as a final product.

Step 4 – now I want you to cross reference all that you have written with your actual life.

Why? Because this will allow you to see where you have work to do so that you can close that gap between what you’ve written as your ideal and what your reality is.

You see, when it comes to making changes, you don’t have to have every single thing figured out in your life. Because if you’re waiting for everything to align, you’ll never take that first step.

You need to focus on where you are now, and then what small changes you can make, right now.

Have another read of that paragraph or those bullet points that you have written down, and let your list of values and intentions be like the GPS directing you, to the life that you want.

When you start making those small changes in your life, directing you to be the person you want to be, and have the life you want – you’ll find more peace in your life, more contentment and you will feel pride as you take each step of the journey.

It all begins with you and that first step.

I hope this homework assignment helps you to create change in your life!

