We always say that you need to be ‘connected’ to be able to get messages from the spirit world.  While that’s kind of true, for me personally, I just don’t get into all the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ ways that some delve into.

This is no different to reading tarot cards.  Some people believe you have to do a kind of ritual and no-one else can touch the cards.

Me?  I just don’t care one way or the other. I do what works for me, and hopefully, I’ll be able to help you find what’s right for you.

First up, you usually need to ‘clear your mind’ and this of course leads people to think of meditation.  You know where you sit in the lotus position with your finger and thumb joined in a circle and chant Ommmmmmm…..

Ignore that vision of meditation.  Well, no don’t completely dismiss it.  If that’s your thing, then go for it!

I don’t believe that there is one better way than another to clear your mind.  It’s what works for you.  So please don’t dismiss what someone else does, thinking that you’re ‘right’ or your way is ‘better’ than theirs.

Clearing your mind is as simple as just slowing down.  It’s taking a moment to just breathe and connect with yourself and what you’re doing.  Instead of allowing your brain to run a million miles an hour, it’s just taking a moment to be.

In this day and age, that can actually be really difficult!

No phone, nor watching TV – they’re distractions.

Meditation can be you sitting and listening to some calming music.  You may enjoy gardening and just focusing on digging the weeds and turning the soil. Or perhaps you enjoy doing yoga, where it’s all about focusing on your breath.

Me?  I like to just sit with a cup of coffee or tea and just look outside, listening to the sounds that are around, cars going past, birds twittering. 

I also enjoy just walking, I’ve solved many a world problem going for walks.  And in all honesty, most of my inspiration for things to do with work come to me when I’m just walking. 

So, that’s the first step.  Finding that thing that calms your mind and just allows you to be in peace with yourself.

Then, you just need to be aware of the thoughts that pop into your head.  More often than not those are the messages from your spirit guides.  Like I said above, those random thoughts that pop in that say ….. ‘you need to present your tarot course like this’ when it’s been something that I’ve been agonising over for about 4 years!

Boom, there’s the solution.

I think too when you have calmed your mind, you’re then more aware of your surroundings and what’s actually happening around you.  You’ll be more aware of seeing messages through feathers or flowers or birds etc. You’re be more aware of the spirit world. 

You’ll find that some people like connecting with the spirit world to be some kind of competition.  You know how it is, sign up for my XYZ because I’m a level two spiritual master and level 5 in spiritual awareness in my reincarnation journey and blah, blah, blah.

Yeah, that’s the ego talking usually!  Those who are on a true spiritual path don’t need to blurt it to kingdom come.  They’ll talk to you about it if you ask, but if you don’t, they leave you alone because they know that every journey is different to the individual.

Start at the beginning, it’s a very good place to start (so I’ve heard!).  Find that thing that you enjoy doing, that brings you peace, that calms you down and quiets your mind. 

Don’t think you need to sit there for half an hour.  Start small if you’re not used to doing it and build up to longer times of quiet.  5 minutes is a good place to start with.
