It’s a bit of a crazy world that we’re all living in right now, isn’t it?  A huge energy shake-up is going on and one in which people are being made to stop and just be and to reassess what’s important to them.

Not only have we suddenly been given that time that we’ve all said we need more of ….. we’re also realizing that those things we’ve been putting off, we really didn’t want to do in the first place!

Again, a bit of a stop and think about what’s really important to you.  What do you want to be spending your time on ‘kind of moments’.

Ok, I’m an introvert so as I’ve been saying to people, I’ve been training for this time all my life.  I’m not one who enjoys shopping and I do literally just go out, get what I need and come home.  That’s how I do things.  For me, nothing has really changed apart from not being able to go out for breakfast with my husband!

Enough about me.

How are you coping?  If you’re an extrovert you’ll be struggling with the confines of what you have to do and I get that it’s not easy for you.

Here’s some tips to help you with isolation and with all the weird things going on in the world.

  1. Create a routine. One for each day of the week if you need to – send yourself back to your school days where you had your roster of what classes you studied on what days ….. do something like that.  If you’re working from home, this is also important, if you’re homeschooling, again it’s important.  A routine for everyone. What you do and what time you do it and STICK to it!  Routine helps keep things ‘normal’.
  2. Seriously, you need to get outside and MOVE.  Get some sunshine and fresh air, don’t sit inside all day just watching Netflix or working on your computer.  Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel better.  Go for a walk, even if just around the block.  Take the kids to the park and kick a ball around, if you have some exercise equipment at home, then use it.  I now skip every morning after walking Monty, I have my pole set up in my garage and make sure I do some form of exercise every day.
  3. Create a weekend. Do things differently on the weekends, I don’t work, in fact I do barely anything apart from some exercise because I want to make it a different day to the normal week.
  4. Spend time apart. Everyone needs some alone time, if you have kids at home, then they all go to their bedrooms for some alone time and when they do, that’s when you have your breather, meditate, sit down and relax and have a cup of coffee, just be in the moment instead of thinking about what you need to do next.  If you and your partner are both working from home, make sure that you give each other some space, take turns using the office.
  5. Be respectful of what everyone else is doing. If you’re sharing your space, be respectful if your partner is working from home and don’t annoy them, allow them to work.  Let your kids get stuck into their work and make sure that they all respect you when you’re working.
  6. Turn off the news. Seriously, there’s so much doom and gloom going on, I just don’t want to watch.  I get my updates from ABC Brisbane Facebook page and don’t worry about any other shows.  Constantly being bombarded with negative information actually isn’t helpful.  Focus on doing what you need to stay healthy both physically, mentally and emotionally but don’t become addicted to the negative news.
  7. Don’t focus on the negative, instead focus on the positive. What has this isolation done for you? Make a list of what your priorities in life now are.  A list of the things you now want to achieve when this is over.  Set yourself some goals and nail them.
  8. Support small business wherever you can, they’re the ones that are hurting. When you go for your walk, maybe there’s a café where you can get a takeaway coffee, even if just once a week. Those small businesses are someone’s dream so let’s help not make them shatter.
  9. Don’t focus on things being back to ‘normal’. Things won’t ever be the way that they were, that’s not a bad thing. Life is constantly changing but if you focus on when ‘life gets back to normal’, you’re going to be very disappointed, because it will be a new form of normal.
  10. Take some time out for you to just relax and connect with yourself.  Learn to be comfortable with you.  Connect with your guides, your higher self, your soul. Whatever works for you.  Meditating helps calm the mind and reduce your stress level.  You’re learn to go with the flow more.

Most importantly, look after yourself in whatever way that is.  Don’t stress about what you can’t do and focus on what you can do, because there’s plenty.  We’re pretty blessed that we live in a country where we have internet and can still stay connected with our loved ones: where we can do online learning, have clean water and plenty of food.  Also, in Australia we are fortunate enough to have a pretty amazing health system!

Embrace this time to get your house and your life in a new order.  Your priorities are going to change, you’ll see things differently ….. it’s called growth, embrace it.

Love and Light

Katrina Jane x


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