Ego is not a dirty word, or so said Skyhooks a rock bank in the 1970’s ….. and now I’m really showing my age! LOL

What actually is the ego?  Well according to Google (and don’t we all just love Google) –  it’s “a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance” and the psychoanalysis is this: “the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.”

We should all have an ego, to a certain extent.  There’s the good side to having an ego.  This is the thought process that allows us to believe in ourselves. The part that lifts us up and knows we are worthy.

It’s the part of ourselves that keeps trying to improve, to get that better job or maybe to just achieve something because we want to.

Obviously, when someone is suffering from low self-esteem, then their ego is also pretty well non-existent.  This is not a good place to be.

As the Skyhooks said, Ego is not a dirty word, it’s not!  Don’t think that having an ego means you’re a stuck up bitch.  It doesn’t.

The Ego is about having self-worth, of knowing when to set boundaries that look after yourself in a good way.

However, when the ego gets out of control and you start thinking that you’re ‘better’ than those around you, that’s when there’s issues.

On a spiritual level, this is where I find a lot of people like to think that they are more ‘enlightened’ than someone else.

You know the type of person I’m talking about, right?  That person who loves to tell people that they’re on a ‘higher plane’, more ‘enlightened’, ‘spiritually advanced’ or maybe they’re on a ‘higher level in the angelic realm’ or whatever.

These people actually ARE NOT enlightened and the reason they’re not is because when you are enlightened, you don’t need to brag to people that you’re better than they are.

That in itself is not being enlightened. Everyone is on their own spiritual path.  Don’t knock it when someone may be struggling with something that you find easy or that you’ve already been through.  Who knows, they could have been through crap that you are yet to face.  Neither means that you’re better than someone else.

So, in a nutshell, when someone makes out that you’re way better than them, help lift up their ego.  Let them know that we’re all equals in our own way and that they’re just as important in this world, regardless of what they do.

When someone else lets you know that they’re more enlightened than you, just roll your eyes and move on, because it doesn’t matter what you say to them, they’re not going to believe you. Just leave them in their own little fantasy world.

Ego is not a dirty word but it’s often misunderstood.

Love and Light

Katrina Jane


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