With this busy world that we all live in our lives seem to be filled with more clutter.  Our phones with all the things we store on them, our computers, kitchen cupboards and drawers, clothes, even our lives are filled with clutter.

You see the business world is geared to make us think that to be happy we need ‘stuff’, whether that’s the latest phone, kitchen gadget, must have fashion, joining the latest club or fitness regime.

It’s all clutter if it’s not really what we need.

Now, I do know that the minimalist way of life is starting to be the trendy thing, and that’s not a bad thing!

So, how do you know that your life is in need of a clean out?

The first thing is you realise that you’re sick of collecting clutter and want to collect memories instead.

However, you may find any of the below on point for you.  If so, it’s time to clean out your life!

  1. You have a lot of financial worries – The more you purchase, the more debt you’re likely to have, and also, the more you have to work to pay for all that stuff! Have a look around your house or your room. Everything in it used to be money.  How much of all that stuff is really important to you?  Has it brought you happiness?  Open some kitchen cupboards and have a look in your wardrobe. One of the biggest stresses in life is financial stress.
  2. You buy things just to impress others – Far too many people buy things to look good to others or to impress people that they may not even like! Why on earth would they do this?  Because they have a lack of self-love. If you buy things just to look good to others, or impress people, what you’re doing is seeking validation and attention from others, so that you can feel fulfilled.  However, it never works, so you’ll constantly be buying more and more.  You’ll never be satisfied because you’re not giving yourself acceptance, instead your seeking it from others and what they think of you.  Make sure you start only buying things that bring genuine value to your life.
  3. You spend money on things, not experiences -There have been studies done that show that people who spend money on experiences instead of things are actually happier people. If you’ve decided to be a minimalist, you aren’t going to stop having or spending money on experiencing things, you just aren’t going to be bothered buying the latest TV or gizmo that’s in fashion at the moment.   Your soul doesn’t need stuff, and stuff only brings happiness for a very short time.  What your soul needs is experiences, love, adventure, compassion and understanding and you’re not going to get any of that from an inanimate object.
  4. Your space feels cluttered and cramped – When you clean up your physical space, your home, office, desk, car etc. you are also creating more space in your mind and soul. You are making room for new ideas, new visions, inspiration and able to see opportunities.  Becoming a minimalist isn’t just about getting rid of the clutter in your home, it’s also about clearing your mind and life.  Clearing your mind is stopping the negative or destructive thoughts that you may have, looking deep within you to connect with your soul and realise what it is you really need in this life.
  5. Your exhausted all the time – This is where you are just taking on far too much, whether you have trouble saying no, you just don’t like letting people down. Maybe you’re wanting to look good in others eyes or you just enjoy being the martyr.  You need to look at reducing your commitments, your friends and your routines.  To stop feeling exhausted, something has to give.  Be honest with yourself about what you’re actually able to take on and what needs to go.  Personally,  I have a cleaner.  I’m busy 5 days a week and the last thing I want to do on weekends is clean.  So, I hired a cleaner once a fortnight.  I’ve also learnt to say no.  Where we live, we’re in Strata and I was told I would be great on the Body Corporate Committee.  Thank you but no!  I’m busy with my job, I’ll leave it to those that are retired!

What are the benefits to decluttering your life?

  • Less to clean.
  • Less to organize
  • Less stress
  • Less debt
  • More financial freedom!

And more energy to focus on the things that you enjoy doing and which bring happiness to your life.

If you want that, then it’s up to you to clean out your life!

What do you think?  Is your life in need of some declutter?

Love & Light


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