Hello Everyone,

Even though this newsletter has the title of January 2013, which somehow seems a bit scary, where has the year gone?  It’s coming to you just before Christmas.

Christmas can be such a hard time of year for so many, whether they don’t have family, they are isolated, don’t get on with family, have just moved to a new area or like me, have lost loved ones close to Christmas, I’ve had at least 4 close family members pass away December or January!  To get through this time, think of doing some volunteer work such as visiting an elderly person who also has no family or something like that, it’s about being kind to one another and raise a glass to those that are no longer with us.

If you don’t want to get into that festive spirit – think of celebrating the summer solstice on 21st January, get some gold candles and a green cloth and let go of all the old things that you no longer need – kind of like a new year’s resolution!

And for those that LOVE Christmas – enjoy!!!! 

Since this is a January newsletter, I suppose I had better talk about New Years resolutions – pick something that you truly want to do, especially if it’s a change of your own habits, thought patterns, because when you change those, you have a new perspective of the world and you will be able to tackle the harder things, like weight loss, stop smoking and all the usual resolutions that people make! 

My husband and I are hoping to move from our offices in Bolton Street sometime next year, whether this eventuates or not we will see, but it’s the plan!  We want to buy a cottage in Carrington, which will mean more room for me to hold workshops, and free parking for all!!!  It will also mean, without a doubt renovation work, but hey, we’re used to that! 

When you scroll down to Michelle’s moon report – she has done a special thing for us this month and given each star sign a yearly forecast!  I do hope that you enjoy it.

I actually had my astrology done by Michelle last month and it amazes me just how accurate it all is!!

Trudie also has some incredibly interesting information on Selenite – I have had a wax art done by Trudie and I have it framed and in my rooms!!  It was very insightful and answered a few questions I had about myself.

A message from: – Katrina-Jane

Start thinking in a new light, a new way, stop being so hard on yourself when you feel that you have ‘failed’ in what you set out to do.  Just pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and continue on, we all hit road blocks, speed humps and closed doors on our journey, but it’s how we respond to those things that makes us who we are and what we become.  Just because something goes ‘wrong’ with our plans doesn’t mean it’s the end of everything, it just means we need to look at things a different way and try something different. 

We are all on a journey and it’s what we learn about ourselves along the way that is the key, it’s not about becoming someone famous, it’s about what we learnt on the journey to becoming famous and not forgetting all those key lessons that we learnt.

So just remember, when you feel as if you’ve hit a brick wall, bounce off and look for a way around it, or just go find a sledge hammer and not that thing down!


Moon report for January 2013 – by Michelle Oberdorf 

New Moon:

The New Moon this month occurs on January 12 with the Sun and Moon coming together (conjunct) at 21 degrees Capricorn. The New Moon is a new personal cycle, a time of new opportunities and beginnings. Since this New Moon takes place in the responsible, goal-setting sign of Capricorn, it is timely to re-assess what you really value, let go of what you don’t need, and set in place long-term, realistic plans in a time-measured way. If you are unhappy, take stock and ask what lessons you can learn from the situation. Set new objectives, and take steps toward committing to your priorities in order to make progress on your new path. 

Full Moon:

The Full Moon occurs on January 27 with the Sun at 7 degrees of Aquarius and the Moon in the opposite sign of Leo at 7 degrees. This is a time to let go of what is stressful and to be more playful, celebrate life, be childlike, or be more involved with children. Enjoy yourself, have fun, take a risk, and be generous and appreciative of yourself and others, coming from the heart. Bring romance into your life, ignite your creativity and do what you love! 

Astrological Forecast for 2013:

Happy New Year! This forecast is based on your Sun sign, if you know your Moon and Rising (Ascendant) signs please read them as well for further insight. 

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19):  The planet of change and unpredictability, Uranus, continues its transit through your sign this year, maintaining the reinvention of yourself into a more original, innovative version of “you”. The second half of March sees your ruling planet, action-oriented Mars, conjoining Uranus and squaring Pluto, which may trigger a transformative change. Jupiter continues its transit through Gemini until June 26 so your attention will be on expanding higher learning and methods of communication. Jupiter then moves into Cancer, the sign of emotions and feelings, and your 4th house of familial ancestry. For the next year you may wish to renovate or expand your home, or move to a bigger one. You could also experience improved relationships with family members. Saturn is transiting your 8th house of joint commitments fostering the possibility to consolidate debt and shared resources, and/or deepen connections with intimate others.  

Taurus (Apr 20-May20): Imaginative, inspiring Neptune transits your 11th house of groups this year, a good time to develop any community-oriented service work. A New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs in your sign on May 9, highlighting issues around material security and resources, innate talents and the ability to support yourself. Pluto continues its travel through your 9th house of “journeys of the mind”, offering transformative experiences through exploration. Expanding your education will also become a theme from June 26 as Jupiter enters your 3rd house of communication and learning. Your ruling planet, affectionate Venus, connects with expansive Jupiter, sudden impact Uranus and intense Pluto in late August, placing an emphasis on reassessing what’s meaningful and valuable to you, and what needs to change. Saturn in your 7th house of partnerships this year sees you taking committed relationships more seriously as well.

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Jupiter continues his transit in your sign this year until June 26, offering you personal growth, optimism, and opportunities for expansion. Uranus’s continued residence in your 11th house of friends and groups may bring some unexpected community projects and/or unusual people into your life. Your ruling planet, communicative Mercury, goes retrograde (appears to move backwards) three times a year. These times are from 23 February to 17 March, June 26 to July 20 and October 21 to November 10. During these periods communication and associated networking devices (telephones, computers) may be more testing than usual. However it is also a time to re-assess and re-vise modes of correspondence. Saturn in your 6th house of day-to-day service and health highlights the importance of taking your health seriously. You may also take on extra tasks and work responsibilities, but also reap the rewards. Neptune in your 10th house of career and public standing inspires you to use your imagination and intuition to find your dream career. 

Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22): Lucky Jupiter enters your sensitive sign from June 26 for a one year stay, fostering new personal growth and expansion. However, Mercury will be retrograde in your sign from June 26 until July 20 so be extra clear in your communications to avoid misunderstandings. Idealistic Neptune in your 9th house of “journeys of the mind” may see you exploring spiritual, religious or other philosophical topics. Since Cancer is ruled by the feeling-oriented Moon, pay special attention to the emotionally-charged Lunar Eclipses on April 26 involving material and emotional resources, May 25 for matters surrounding communication and higher learning, and October 19 highlighting issues concerning where you find yourself within partnerships. Saturn in your 5th house has you “getting real” about romantic attachments and creative endeavours, while Pluto’s continued stay in your 7th house is transforming and intensifying your partnerships. Revolutionary Uranus shakes up your career goals in the 10th house. This focus may become more powerful around May 21 and November 2 when Uranus and Pluto make an exact square. 

Leo (July 23-Aug 22): Jupiter in your 11th house of community, friends and goals will expand these areas of your life in the first half of the year, while in the second, when Jupiter enters your 12th house of retreat you may find yourself seeking meaning in more reflective, meditative ways. Your ruling planet, the radiant Sun, connects with the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square in late March, early July and early October, potentially triggering a conscious awareness around any necessary changes and endings in your life, particularly in the areas of daily service and skills (Pluto in the 6th house) and exploratory journeys (Uranus in the 9th house). Saturn transiting your 4th house of home and familial roots may see restructuring in this area of your life, either via changes in the family, taking on more responsibility for family members or undertaking home renovations. Neptune in your 8th house of intimate others is inspiring a deeper, soulful connection with another, just watch any over-idealisation, and/or boundary issues over ownership and control of shared resources. 

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Saturn in your 3rd house of communication and learning is teaching responsibility and lessons in these areas, and is a time of gaining knowledge in how to communicate more efficiently. Your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, goes retrograde (appears to move backwards) three times a year. These times are from 23 February to 17 March, June 26 to July 20 and October 21 to November 10. During these periods communications and associated networking devices (telephones, computers) may be more testing than usual. However it is also a time to review and revise communication strategies. Jupiter starts its journey through your 11th house of groups and friends in late June, expanding your connections in order for you to pursue meaningful goals and growth. There is a big theme around love and partnerships this year. Pluto continues its transit through your 5th house of romance, transforming romantic attachments, with any existing love affairs being intense and deeply felt. Pluto’s ongoing square to Uranus in your 8th house of intimate others and shared resources could shake up and innovate the way you make connections with others as well. Neptune remains in your 7th house of one-to-one relationships inspiring a more soulful connection with a partner. 

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): Pluto remains in your 4th house of familial ancestry this year, potentially transforming your home and family relationships. There may be big family entries and exits, or you may move or extensively renovate. In any case during this transit there will be the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another. Uranus in your 7th house of partnerships continues to revolutionise your one-to-one relationships, and you may attract some more eccentric or unusual to your life. Your ruling planet, Venus, will connect with Uranus and Pluto in January, highlighting what you like and value in relationships. Saturn in your 2nd house of material resources and innate talents may find you restructuring your finances, learning lessons regarding money management, and/or planning goals around utilising your own gifts. Neptune continues its transit through your 6th house of daily routines, service and health, so you may be(come) more interested in alternative healing modalities, have more empathy and compassion for co-workers, or bring your intuitive imagination into your daily work – just be mindful of any potential boundary issues. Jupiter will enter your 10th house of career and public standing from June 26th, bringing luck, expansion and opportunities in these areas 

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): With Saturn in your sign, you’re changing and restructuring your identity, which may feel testing at times if you are confronted by limits and restrictions. There is a Solar Eclipse in your sign on 4 November, so set any intentions around your “new you” then. Jupiter moves into your 9th house of “journeys of the mind” from 26 June, offering expansive opportunities to grow through higher education and foreign travel, or through investigating spiritual and other philosophies. Your ruling planet, Pluto, is transiting your 3rd house, transforming your communication style and possibly your relationship with any siblings. Uranus in your 6th house of daily service, routines and health may see you attracted to unusual work roles, working with more offbeat colleagues, or desiring more independence at work. With this transit your nervous system may suffer if you take on too much stress. Neptune in your 5th house of romance and love affairs, inspires idealism in these relationships, please be careful of the “rose-coloured glasses” syndrome so you see your loved one clearly and realistically. 

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Your ruling planet, Jupiter, will be expanding and bringing benefits to your partnership area for the first part of the year, while after June 26 it will expand your sector of intimate others, where you may find increased meaning through such personal commitments. You may also benefit financially through another. Neptune is transiting your 4th house of family and ancestral roots, sensitising your feelings towards family members, engendering compassion and empathy, however be mindful of over-idealising relatives. Pluto continues its transit in your 2nd house of material security and resources, transforming your finances, possibly bringing wealth, or even debt. Uranus transiting your 5th house of romance and other speculative activities could foster more risk-taking activity, or bring an unexpected windfall or unusual romantic partner into your life. These two planets make a square alignment on May 21 and November 2, highlighting financial resourcefulness and surprises. With Saturn in your 12th house of retreat, this would be a good year to structure and implement a meditation plan, to connect with the inner self. 

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19): Pluto continues his transit of your sign, a slow process of deeply transforming your identity, a time where you may have to let go of what is no longer serving you. Uranus is transiting your 4th house of home and family, potentially bringing unexpected changes on the familial front. Uranus and Pluto will square off again on May 21 and November 2, intensifying the powerful changes occurring in your life around these times. Your ruling planet, Saturn, is located in your 11th house of friends and groups this year, where you may take on more responsibility in these areas or become involved in a community-oriented project. Jupiter moves into your 7th house of relationships from June 26 expanding this area of your chart, bringing luck and opportunities for the following year. Neptune in your 3rd house of communication may find you inspiring others with your words, or you may communicate through more creative or intuitive means.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): your ruling planet, Uranus, continues its transit through your 3rd house of communication, revolutionising your thought processes and how you communicate. Pluto is making his way slowly though your 12th house, stirring up powerful, unconscious memories to potentially be brought to the surface and dealt with. Career, work and money are big themes this year. Saturn is traversing your 10th house of career and public standing, bringing you rewards where earned, possibly a promotion. Jupiter too will boost your work situation when he enters your 6th house of daily routines and service from June 25, offering opportunities and lucky breaks. Neptune continues it transit though your 2nd house of money and resources so keep an eye on the practicalities of spending, or money could too easily disappear. Donating to a good cause would be a beneficial use of money during this transit.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20): Your ruling planet, Neptune is transiting your sign, sensitising your identity, fostering more compassion and empathy for others, and heightening your creative imagination and intuitive skills. Jupiter, your traditional ruler, transits your 4th house of home and family for the first half of this year, bringing more meaningful relationships with family members and the opportunity to expand your family or move to a bigger home.  Saturn is moving through your 9th house of “journeys of the mind”, so structuring an overseas travel plan or planning goals around higher education or exploring spiritual and other philosophies would be a practical use of this energy. Powerful, intense Pluto in your 11th house of friends, groups and goals is transforming these areas. You may become a leader of a community-oriented group during this phase. Uranus in your 2nd house of material resources is revolutionising your finances, and a good time to invent ways of making money from your unique talents and skills. 

To end on a bright note, there will be a lovely configuration on and around July 17 between Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn (called a Grand Trine), offering us all the potential to bring reality and structure (Saturn) to our meaningful beliefs (Jupiter) and dreams (Neptune). If you have personal planets or angles at about 4-5 degrees of the Water signs – Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, this could be an especially fortunate time for you. Where the Trine falls in the houses in your chart, this is where things will “flow” for you. 

If you would like to have a personal astrology chart done or just for more information please contact Michelle on: 0404 464 740 or michelle.oberdorf@gmail.com and you can visit her website: http://www.hygeiashaven.com.au/ 

The Magic of Selenite by Trudie

Greetings and a very Happy 2013 to you all. It is going to be a really incredible year, and a positive one for much change.

Which brings me to the topic of the crystal for this month – 

Selenite. It is a powerful crystal for bringing illumination, so desperately needed for the new energies coming into the Earth. Selenite is a beautiful and ethereal crystal to look at, and when held in your hands feels smooth, and almost “other worldly”. This may in part be due to the fact that selenite assists you to access the angelic and devic kingdoms. 

There are two varieties – white, and peach.

Both are immensely powerful for clearing negative energies both from around your energy field, to cleansing a home. A selenite lamp or large un-cut piece will bring calm, soothing vibrations into your living space.  Placing small  white selenite spheres in each corner of your home will provide a protective barrier,  making it difficult for disruptive energies to cling to the walls or enter the atmosphere.

Selenite was named after Selene, who was traditionally associated with the Moon and was ranked among the many Greek Goddesses.

The moon has always been linked with romance, and making a wish, while holding a piece of selenite,  was said to restore  harmony between estranged lovers. Peach selenite helps to heal old emotional wounds and assists with forgiveness.

Selenite has a positive effect on the brain bringing mental Clarity. Taking a few drops of Selenite as an essence before a driving test or exams will calm the nerves and increase


Until next time – Goddess Bless. 

Trudie Moore has been a healer & shaman for over 30 years. Trudie is available for crystal workshops on request. For more information, visit her website at: www.soulsurgery.net

It’s Never too late to …… start again 

Just stop for a moment and take a look around you at nature.  Nothing stays the same, so why do you think that you should?  But take the time to use the changes wisely.  Keep the things that matter and lose the things that don’t.  Set some goals and start afresh. 

PSYCHIC PARTIES – I also do party groups where everyone has as 15 minute reading – this is lots of fun for baby showers, birthdays, hens nights etc and it’s just $20 per reading.  These readings aren’t burnt to disc because there are usually too many people and it just takes up too much time, but I am able to take notes or the person having the reading can take them if they wish.

FUNDRAISING – I’ve also done a few fundraisers, again which I am happy to do to help a good cause – I usually give a percentage of my takings for the day to help raise funds.

GROUP OF FRIENDS – If you don’t want to go the whole hog with a psychic party but there are four or so friends that would like half hour readings, I will visit you in your home – as long as it’s within a certain radius of Newcastle!  As long as I have a private spot to sit and water to drink, I’m happy!!!


Developing your intuition and clairvoyance one day workshop – Saturday, 2nd March 2013 this workshop has a limit of 6 people and needs to be paid for prior to attendance to confirm your spot – all information on the workshop is on my website www.katrina-jane.com

Kick Start your life – one day workshop – Saturday, 23rd March 2013, this workshop has a limit of 6 people and needs to be paid for prior to attendance to confirm your spot – all information on the workshop is on my website www.katrina-jane.com

If you would like me to bring my workshop to your area – please email me at Katrina@katrina-jane.com

If there is anything that you would like to see in my newsletters, please let me know!  I want them to be interesting for you all to read.

Til next month have a safe holiday season, drive carefully if you’re going to be on the roads.

Blessed be.

Love and Light Katrina