Looking forward
There will come a time in your life, not too far from now, when you will be able to look back on what you are going through, the hurt, frustration and pain that you are feeling and instead of being angry and bitter about it all, instead of condemning it and hating it, and blaming everything in your life on what happened, you will be able to understand it, maybe not appreciate it, hopefully, though that will come in time, but you will be thankful for it, because it taught you something, it may have taught you that you have more strength than you realized, it may have taught you compassion, it may have pushed you in a direction that you had never thought possible but now, that you’re there, you’re amazed and while you would never say you were pleased to go through all the crap, you have an understanding of it. Because if you hadn’t gone through all of that stuff, you wouldn’t be in the place that you are now. Believe in yourself and know that you can get through things, it’s about being happy with who you are, I’m talking inside as well as out, accepting of yourself for all your perfect imperfections, and also all the good bits, don’t forget those. Remember, that when you believe something is good and you do it, then that benefits you. When you believe something is bad and you do it, then it’s not good for you.
Just remember that with all the crap that you are having to deal with right now, you will get through the other side, you won’t be the same person, but that isn’t always a bad thing and this crap right now? It will hopefully give you the push that you need to be the best that you can be, for no-one else but you.
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