Practicing minimalism is important to your spiritual growth.

Minimalism helps your spiritual journey


I’m glad you asked because practicing minimalism is not just something that is a ‘trend’ at the moment.

It’s been going on for dare I sound hundreds of years.

Minimalism is more than just being neat and tidy, though that’s a side effect of it.

Benefits to practicing minimalism are:

It helps you overcome the psychological issue of hoarding.

You will save money because you’re not going to purchase things you don’t need.

You become a mindful consumer.

It is, essentially, the basis for freedom.

Think of monks and the lifestyle that they choose to live.

The reason for that lifestyle is that having less on the outside gives you the time to connect more with your internal abundance.

When you’re not chasing the external you’ll find contentment in the non-material things of life.

How do you practice minimalism?

Start with the basics.

Whenever you go to the shops, you should ONLY purchase exactly what you need.

Not because it’s on special.

Not because it’s pretty.

Not because you think you might need it.

By doing this, you’ll actually have more money to put towards quality items.

It’s also good for the environment because there’s going to be no waste!

Get rid of things you haven’t used in six months.

Seriously, go through your wardrobe and if you haven’t worn it in the season just gone, donate it.

Go through your kitchen cupboards and if there are gadgets in there you haven’t use.

Sell them or donate them.

Did you know that if you refuse to let go of old possessions and yet you’re continuously buying more, then you’re technically a hoarder.

What you may need to overcome is the fear of ‘lack’ or ‘insufficiency’.

Whatever you buy, get rid of something.

If you purchase a new top, then get rid of an old one, preferably to charity.

Same goes for anything in your home.

Bought new towels?

Then either cut up old ones for rags or donate them to an animal shelter.

You get the drift.

Do some research into how much water is wasted producing cloth.

Using minimalism in your life helps the environment

While you’re there, check out how much of our natural resources are being depleted.

Removing that which we don’t need produces freedom.

We no longer are a slave to ‘fashion’.

We’re able to live well within our means – that can mean more travel or experiences we can have.

Not being stressed about keeping up with others.

Detachment happens with our possessions and that’s one of the first steps to being spiritual.

When we no longer need ‘stuff’ to feel content.

Love & light
