As mentioned last week, things were starting to fall into place for me, though I have to admit that I still struggled at times with being a whole clairvoyant.
Well, I suppose it just came naturally to me. It’s just something that I had always done, but instead of just thinking that was me, there was suddenly a label on it and with that label came responsibility and because it came so naturally, I felt a bit like a fraud.
Does that make sense?
But I kept at it and I kept putting flyers up everywhere.  Then a lovely lady, Gaye rang and said that she was running a psychic fair and did I want to be a reader? I figured that even though I was scared shitless at the thought, the universe was sending this opportunity for me.  No idea why, but you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, so I said yes and off I went to the Salamander Psychic Fair. Here I did readings, which then led me to doing others around the area which were run by Gaye.  She then decided to hold one in Canberra – and in all honesty I couldn’t afford accommodation so I contacted the spiritualist church and ended up staying with the lovely Bethany.

At Canberra I was doing readings and when I got back to Bethany’s place I told her that when I do reading for people, I can see the people that have passed and/or they give me information about their funerals and what they were like etc. And I asked her, what would you call that? She replied with “You’re a medium, you idiot”.
Well, that’s a bit freaky!
I mean that takes the whole ‘Clairvoyant’ thing to another level, doesn’t it?
I’ve always been loath to say I’m something if I don’t think I am. So, I did really hesitate with even calling myself a Clairvoyant but now I had to add on ‘Medium’ – or as my Gorgeous Guy says ‘you’re not a medium, you’re above average’! LOL
That moment in Canberra and talking with Bethany started me off on another path altogether. The clairvoyant healing was coming to an end and the Clairvoyant Medium was who I was, whether I liked it or not.

As I do, I threw myself into work, doing readings in person, telephone and via email and in all honesty, I wasn’t stopping.
I was working 7 days a week getting my business off the ground and as the saying goes, there’s no rest for the wicked.
Now, those in the spirit world want you to have a balanced life and so they will send you little hints to slow down or do something different.
In my case, they decided that I was as thick as two planks and that I don’t do ‘subtle’ so they put me in a car accident. Thanks guys. I was hit from behind by someone doing 8pm and shoved into the car in front with $12,000.00 worth of damage to my car. I was taken to ambulance because of severe whiplash and they wanted to make sure I didn’t have any spinal injury (I didn’t thank goodness).
So, for 6 weeks I could barely move, however, I kept working. As I do. And so because I didn’t get that not subtle hint, they then caused a nerve in my neck to get caught so that I was in so much fucking pain I couldn’t move.
I literally, could not move.

OK guys. I get it. Take at least one day off a week! And I must say that as I have gone along, I don’t feel guilty for not working one day a week! It is difficult when you’re doing pretty well everything yourself, but I make my lists and do them and have started to delegate where I can, when I can afford it.

It’s been a hard lesson to learn, I have to admit and I still struggle with it because I’m just one of those people that likes to keep busy.
But things were falling into place for me, I knew that I was doing what I was meant to be doing and I was enjoying life and didn’t think that anything could go wrong.
Boy, was I wrong ……..

Katrina x

Would you like to hear my whole journey in-depth? Then check out my biography Christian to Clairvoyant>>