How to Restore Your Aura to Good Health?
Have you ever wondered how you can restore your aura to good health?
If you don’t know what an aura is, or maybe you just kind of don’t think much about it, they do have an important role in our spiritual existence. An aura is a protective shield with regards to our health.
Our auras protect us from the etheric and emotional energies of the people that we come into contact with. If you think about it, when our auras are depleted or damaged, it leaves us in a place where we are more likely to be affected by unwanted energy, whether these are manmade or natural. This is because our aura’s also help to protect us from electromagnetic frequencies.
Hopefully, I haven’t freaked you out completely! Because, really, restoring your aura isn’t actually a difficult thing to do. The key is that you need to do it daily if possible, especially when you’re around / dealing with a lot of people.
When you restore it daily, you’re then going to boost your health, energy, immunity and most importantly, your mood! By cleansing your aura, it will help you be more clear-headed and emotionally stable.
I’m sure that you’ve experienced dealing with a negative person, and after they’ve gone you feel completely drained of all energy and maybe you even start to feel a bit negative about life yourself.
This is not a good thing.
Did you know that because our auras are energy, they can actually hold onto the unwanted negative thoughts / images and all of our unprocessed emotions. It’s not just other people’s energies that can affect our auras either, drugs, whether legal or not, food and alcohol can also affect your aura.
You’ll know if your aura is holding onto unwanted energies, because you may feel unbalanced, depressed, maybe lethargic or just not yourself. You can even become sick. When you cleanse your aura, you should hopefully then feel more energetic, happy and more yourself.
Here are some ideas for you which will help you to restore your aura to good health. You don’t have to do all of these and you may find that there are other techniques you find that work for you.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered or pure spring water – you’re wanting water with no chemicals in it.
- A nice warm bath and you can use any of the essential oils below to help with a particular cleansing. Just make sure that you’re using organic, good quality essential oils.
Rose Petals/Essential Oil: helps to strengthen the aura and promotes self love and healing.
Lavender Buds/Essential Oil: helps to promote relaxation to calm and restore the energy of the auric field.
Basil Herb/Essential Oil: helps to cleanse negative energy and release the pains of the past.
Sage Herb/Essential Oil: helps to cleanse and protect your aura from negative energy or psychic attacks.
Himalayan Sea Salt: helps to detoxify and restore the aura.
Citrus Based Essential Oils: can help to energise and recharge the aura.
Sandalwood Essential Oil: can repair damage due to psychic attacks and can strengthen the intuition and vibration of the aura.
Olive Oil: can help to expand the aura and can increase attraction potential.
- You can wear a colour that makes you feel energised or that you feel you need to wear, which is your body telling you that colour in your aura needs to be cleansed.
- Sunshine! This is always a good cleanser. Go out and just get some sunlight on you. Don’t burn yourself for goodness sake. It can be that you want to incorporate a walk in nature to help calm and clear your aura. Even just standing in the sun, under a tree and feeling the breeze blowing on you is cleansing.
- Smudge yourself. Yes, get out the white sage smudge stick! Light it and wave the stick around to allow the smoke to cover you from head to toe. Make sure you do this in a safe place as embers will drop to the ground!
- Crystals are another great purifier. Just make sure that they have been cleansed and charged themselves before using. You can carry one with you around your neck. Or you can do a crystal ‘grid’ so select your main crystal that is going to be your “centre” point. Lay down on your bed or a cloth and place this crystal on your body wherever it feels right to you, such as your third eye, heart or stomach. Place the other crystals around the centre crystal at different points of your body.
Don’t forget to cleanse your crystals afterwards.
- Or you can use light. Visualize a light purifying and restoring your body. It can be any colour you want. See it removing any negative or foreign energy. Make sure that you give yourself time to enjoy this feeling. Then expand the light beyond your body, until it extends to wherever feels intuitively right. Visualize or feel it purifying and restoring your aura and displacing any negative or foreign energy, pushing it out into the universe, where it will be neutralized and reabsorbed into the cosmic field. Give yourself time to enjoy this feeling.
So, after cleansing your aura how are you going to know that it’s worked? You should feel more relaxed, peaceful and clear-headed. Remember though, that what may work for one person isn’t necessarily going to work for you. Work through the list until you find the one thing that feels right or maybe you need to go and have your aura looked at by an energy healer.
Love & Light
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