I love running my workshop Find Your Purpose and helping others see outside the square that they appear to live in.  I love making people question what they think is important, to counteract their excuses, to make them see how amazing they really are.  I love to make them see and believe that they are capable of living the life that they are wanting, whether that’s a change of location, living in a caravan, doing the job that they love.  I just love seeing the amazement on their faces when they know how amazing they are!

Because you are all amazing…

One of the things I have realised in life is what happiness actually is.  We think that when we finish that degree, get that perfect job we’re after, or that promotion, or maybe move to that house – that then we’ll be happy.  And so we continue to strive to try and attain those things that we think will make us happy and then when we get there, we’re not happy at all; or we blame not getting there on the reason that we’re not happy.

But that’s not happiness…

What you need to do is be honest with yourself, right here and now – not tomorrow, not in an hour, but right now.

When you start living your life now, and accepting that what is – you will realise that in this moment it is meant to be.  When you stop waking up thinking that by changing jobs you’ll be happier.  When you stop wishing for more money and just accepting the life you have in this moment – you become happy.

Your life slows down and you start to enjoy what is.  This doesn’t mean for one moment that you still don’t strive to change and grow, but you’re not putting that as the cure to being happy.

Stop thinking that stuff equals being happy…

That degree, new job, big house, new car or maybe that overseas holiday… does not mean happiness. That’s just stuff you do. When you take a risk and start doing the things that you love in life, whether that’s walking by the beach, relaxing and reading a book, just enjoying some you time – you’ll find that you’re life will literally start to slow down.  And when you’re enjoying what you’re doing for a living, regardless of what that is, you’ll stop wishing for the weekend.  Having a holiday is a bonus, not something you need to do to run away from your life.

You need to begin to live each moment…

You need to start riding the wave that is your life. It will always have ups and downs but you’ll do it from a different perspective.  The stress of it won’t matter as much because you will realise that the stressful time will pass and the good times will happen.  But they won’t always stay and that’s OK because that’s how we learn and grow.  Just don’t dwell on those bad times.  All you need to do is just ride the wave of your life, steadily, calmly and gratefully… and a whole new perspective will be born.
