Soul Purpose Part 1
There’s a lot of people searching for their ‘soul purpose’ in this lifetime.
It concerns me slightly because it almost seems to be one of those ‘buzz words’ that until they find their soul purpose they’ll be wandering aimlessly through life.
There is a Zen saying that I just love …. “before enlightenment you chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment you chop wood and carry water”.
What I have found when doing soul purpose readings for people is this:
A lot of them think that when they find their soul purpose that their entire world will change.
In reality the change is within them and their everyday lives just carry on as before.
We aren’t all here to “save the world!”
Your soul purpose may be as simple as being loving to everyone and treating everyone with respect.
While that may sound a bit of a strange thing for a soul purpose.
It may very well be the reason that you are here in this lifetime, because that is something that you need to learn.
Don’t put pressure on yourself to be something that you’re not comfortable with because you think it’s something that you ‘should’ do.
Your soul purpose doesn’t have to be some great feat in life.
It doesn’t even have to be your career choice.
It could be something as simple as some life lessons that need to be learned.
Things that you haven’t experienced before.
Lessons in patience or trust. Maybe happiness and forgiveness.
Because as we learn those things, our soul grows and expands and then you could just find your soul purpose.
I know that some of you aren’t going to like that!
You may want to start your journey by doing my workbook Finding Your Purpose in 10 easy steps.
to help you unravel all the chatter in your mind about what you ‘should’ be doing compared to what you need to be doing!
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Hi Katrina,
Love the post and always look forward to some inspiration for the day!
Peace, Love and Light
Hi Katrina,
I love the simplicity of this post! It’s amazing how when you realize your soul purpose and you can then put a name to ‘it’ – it feels like putting on your favourite comfortable pair of slippers – it just fits!
Love, Laughter and Happiness,