You are beautiful
You are beautiful. Yes, you are, don’t argue with me, you ARE beautiful. I know that you’ll look in the mirror and start picking apart your body. Arms to flabby….
Are you waiting for the perfect life?
Do you dream of the perfect life? Are you waiting for that perfect person to come into your life? Maybe you feel that when everything is perfect then you’ll be…
Appreciation of yourself and others
What has happened to women in our society? When did we start believing the marketing that the only thing to worry about is looks and then compete with every other…
Love Life
You are an individual – on this journey called life you will fall and you will rise up again and again, you’ll make mistakes, so apologise for those and learn…
How you see yourself
Stop it, stop it right now, all those thoughts in your head that run yourself down, needing to lose weight, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not short enough, boobs…
My New Years Resolution
Well, it’s the end of the year for 2012 and what a year it has been. We usually take this time to make a New Year’s Resolution that most of…
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