Don’t let your past define you
We all have a past. There’s a backstory to everyone that you meet and a lot of those stories you will never hear about. Far too many of us let…
Detachment – How do you practice it?
Detachment is something that you can implement in your life. I don’t often like using the word ‘laws’ when it comes to spiritual things. This is because you often have…
9 signs your third eye is opening
I’m sharing with you 9 signs that your third eye is opening. What is your third eye? It’s not a literal eye, it is in fact an energy centre and…
Does the spirit world give negative information?
Does the spirit world give negative information? In a nutshell the answer is Yes! No decent clairvoyant will tell you that you’re going to die. I’m not talking about that…
Witchcraft is not evil
Witchcraft is not evil. It actually took me a long time to accept this. If you are unaware I was brought up in a very strict religious household and tarot…
The easy path
The easy path is the one that I know that so many of us would like to take. Where everything is comfortable and pleasant, where we don’t have to face…
Is all of your life predetermined?
Have you ever wondered how much of our lives is predetermined and how much of it is free will? The reason I ask you, is because I had an interesting…
Your spiritual journey
Your spiritual journey is a big thing for so many of us to start. However, in this day and age we seem to have so much going on! How do…
Does Negative Energy Exist?
Negative energy is something that I’ve been asked about over the years. People have asked if they have a ‘curse’ on them as an example. The following is my belief,…
Visiting Spiritual Places
I love going to spiritual places. I don’t necessarily mean churches, though I have to admit, I do love sitting in a big old church. There’s just something about the…
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