When you’re ready
You know what I think is sad? When people think that they have to be ready before they embark on a new adventure, on following a dream. You know, when…
Picking up the pieces
One thing that I have learned in life is that at least once (hopefully, only once) someone that you love and put your trust in will hurt you. Now, they…
I believe that we are not responsible for the programming we received as children. What we are taught and what we observe is not our decision because as children we…
How to be happy
A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But unfortunately, most people don’t allow the happy moment, because they’re so busy trying to get a happy life and…
our comfort zone
Stepping out of our comfort zone is a huge thing. We are each completely different in what we find daunting or confronting so just because someone else is perfectly OK…
Wherever you are….
So many of us are forever searching or looking for that place where we think we are supposed to be. What we all need to remember is that wherever you…
What is “good”?
You show compassion to others, why not yourselves? You tell your friends not to beat themselves up, but you constantly berate yourself for making “mistakes” and making the “wrong” decision. …
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