Your spiritual journey
Your spiritual journey is a big thing for so many of us to start. However, in this day and age we seem to have so much going on! How do…
Spirituality Behind Spring
Spirituality and the seasons are linked, did you realise that? The pagan celebration of the changing of the seasons influences our lives. While I’m not a pagan, I do recognise…
The Witching Hour – what is it?
Have you ever heard of the term The Witching Hour? It’s often mentioned when babies wake up in the night and you can’t get them to settle. Others have referred…
What does it mean when you have ringing in your ears?
What does it mean when you have ringing in your ears? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is tinnitus which is a medical condition and is associated with…
Messages in dreams, how to understand them
Do you have dreams and you just don’t understand them? Maybe you have them and you wonder if there’s a message in there or your subconscious is playing games with…
How do I get messages from my guides?
I am often asked by people, ‘how do I get messages from my guides?’ and if a loved one is around them because they haven’t had a sign yet, my…
April Newsletter
What has this past month brought to you? Mabon is the autumn festival and was celebrated on 20th March. It is a time of the year when we give thanks…
A beautiful experience
I had the most amazing experience happen to me. Well, there were two actually. I’ll go back a couple of weeks and some of you know that I have had…
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